Translation of "Aright" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Aright" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

"Come, jolly Bacchus, giver of delight; / kind Juno, come; and ye with fair accord / and friendly spirit hold the feast aright."

"Que não nos falte Baco, a fonte da alegria, / e que Juno propícia nos assista! / E vós, ó penos, celebrai com gosto / a realização deste festivo encontro!”

So spake he and on altars, reared aright, / due victims offered, and libations meet; / a bull to Neptune and Apollo bright, / to tempest a black lamb, to Western winds a white.

Assim tendo falado, nos altares / as adequadas vítimas imola: / um touro a ti, glorioso Apolo, outro a Netuno, / ovelha preta aos temporais, branca aos favônios.