Translation of "Punched" in Portuguese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Punched" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Tom punched somebody.

Tom socou alguém.

Who punched you?

Quem te bateu?

Tom punched me.

Tom me deu um soco.

Clearly punched their ballot

Claramente perfurou sua cédula

Sami punched Layla by accident.

A Sami deu um murro na Layla acidentalmente.

- Who hit you?
- Who punched you?

Quem te bateu?

Tom punched me in the face.

O Tom me deu um soco no rosto.

I'm the one who punched Tom.

Fui eu quem socou o Tom.

Tom got punched in the mouth.

Tom levou um soco na boca.

- I wish I had punched Tom in the face.
- I wish I'd punched Tom in the face.
- I wish that I'd punched Tom in the face.

Queria ter dado um soco na cara de Tom.

Tom was hurting Mary, so John punched him.

O Tom estava machucando a Mary e então, John o espancou.

I got punched in the ribs and it hurt pretty badly.

Eu levei um soco nas costelas e doeu muito.

Partially torn piece of paper left on a ballot that isn't fully punched out.

pedaço de papel rasgado que sobrou em uma cédula que não foi completamente perfurada.

According to some, it is claimed that he punched an eraser, according to some, with a fist.

Segundo alguns, afirma-se que ele socou uma borracha, de acordo com alguns, com um punho.