Translation of "Chariots" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Chariots" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

He had also in his train chariots and horsemen: and it was a great company.

Carruagens e cavaleiros também o acompanharam: a comitiva era imensa.

So he made ready his chariot, and took all his people with him. And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and all the chariots that were in Egypt: and the captains of the whole army.

Então o faraó mandou preparar seu carro de guerra e seu exército. E partiu com todos os carros de guerra, incluindo os seiscentos melhores, que eram conduzidos por seus oficiais.

Pharaoh's chariots and his army he hath cast into the sea: his chosen captains are drowned in the Red Sea.

Ele lançou ao mar os carros de guerra e o exército do faraó; no mar Vermelho lhe afogou a elite das tropas.

And the Egyptians pursuing went in after them, and all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots and horsemen, through the midst of the sea.

Os egípcios puseram-se a persegui-los, e todos os cavalos, cavaleiros e carros de guerra do faraó os seguiram mar adentro.

And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall be glorified in Pharaoh, and in his chariots, and in his horsemen.

Os egípcios saberão que eu sou o Senhor quando eu for glorificado pela derrota do faraó, com seus carros de guerra e seus cavaleiros.

And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch forth thy hand over the sea, that the waters may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots and horsemen.

E o Senhor disse a Moisés: Estende a mão sobre o mar para que as águas voltem e cubram os egípcios, seus carros de guerra e seus cavaleiros.

And overthrew the wheels of the chariots, and they were carried into the deep. And the Egyptians said: Let us flee from Israel; for the Lord fighteth for them against us.

As rodas dos carros de guerra se emperravam ou ficavam atoladas, praticamente lhes impedindo o avanço. Disseram então os egípcios: Vamos fugir dos israelitas, pois o Senhor está lutando a favor deles e contra nós.

And I will harden the heart of the Egyptians to pursue you: and I will be glorified in Pharaoh, and in all his host, and in his chariots and in his horsemen.

De minha parte, endurecerei o coração dos egípcios para que vos persigam. E serei glorificado com a derrota do faraó e de todo o seu exército, com seus carros de guerra e seus cavaleiros.

And when the Egyptians followed the steps of them who were gone before, they found them encamped at the sea side: all Pharaoh's horse and chariots and the whole army were in Phihahiroth, before Beelsephon.

O exército egípcio, com todos os seus carros de guerra, seus cavalos e cavaleiros, foi atrás dos israelitas, tendo-os alcançado acampados às margens do mar Vermelho, perto de Piairot e de Baal-Sefon.

And the waters returned, and covered the chariots and the horsemen of all the army of Pharaoh, who had come into the sea after them, neither did there so much as one of them remain.

As águas voltaram cobrindo carros de guerra, cavaleiros e todo o exército egípcio que havia perseguido os israelitas mar adentro. E nem um só egípcio escapou com vida.

For Pharaoh went in on horseback with his chariots and horsemen into the sea: and the Lord brought back upon them the waters of the sea: but the children of Israel walked on dry ground in the midst thereof.

De fato, os israelitas atravessaram o mar em terra seca. Porém, quando os carros de guerra dos egípcios, com seus cavalos e cavaleiros, entraram no mar, o Senhor fez com que as águas voltassem e os recobrissem.