Translation of "Captains" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Captains" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

The idea that we are captains of our own destiny

a ideia de que somos donos do nosso próprio destino

Pharaoh's chariots and his army he hath cast into the sea: his chosen captains are drowned in the Red Sea.

Ele lançou ao mar os carros de guerra e o exército do faraó; no mar Vermelho lhe afogou a elite das tropas.

So he made ready his chariot, and took all his people with him. And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and all the chariots that were in Egypt: and the captains of the whole army.

Então o faraó mandou preparar seu carro de guerra e seu exército. E partiu com todos os carros de guerra, incluindo os seiscentos melhores, que eram conduzidos por seus oficiais.

And in the cloud unseen, / wrapt in its hollow covering, they abide / and note what fortune did their friends betide, / and whence they come, and why for grace they sue, / and on what shore they left the fleet to bide, / for chosen captains came from every crew, / and towards the sacred fane with clamorous cries they drew.

Continuam / no interior da nuvem, que os esconde, / e, espreitando, procuram descobrir / que sucedera àqueles homens; onde a frota / estaria ancorada, e por que vinham / ali – tratava-se de um grupo eleito / dentre as tripulações de todos os navios / e que, implorando proteção em alta voz, / se dirigia ao templo.

With joy from out the hollow wood they bound; / first, dire Ulysses, with his captains two, / Thessander bold and Sthenelus renowned, / down by a pendent rope come sliding to the ground. / Then Thoas comes; and Acamas, athirst / for blood; and Neoptolemus, the heir / of mighty Peleus; and Machaon first; / and Menelaus; and himself is there, / Epeus, framer of the fatal snare.

E, franqueada a saída, aqueles homens / o ar livre alegremente vão ganhando, / a deslizar por uma corda até embaixo: / à frente Estênelo e Tessandro e o fero Ulisses, / Pirro, de Aquiles filho, Ácamas, Toas, / seguidos de Macáon, Menelau / e do próprio arquiteto, Epeu, do tal embuste.