Translation of "Practicing" in Polish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Practicing" in a sentence and their polish translations:

Keep practicing.

Ćwicz dalej.

I've been practicing.


- I'm practising judo.
- I'm practicing judo.

Trenuję dżudo.

She is practicing the violin now.

Ona ćwiczy właśnie grę na skrzypcach.

She has been practicing the piano since morning.

Ona od rana ćwiczy na fortepianie.

She spends a lot of time practicing the piano.

Ona poświęca dużo czasu ćwiczeniom na fortepianie.

My older brother is practicing judo. He is very good.

Mój starszy brat trenuje judo. Jest bardzo dobry.

- After a year's practice, she plays the piano after a fashion.
- She's been practicing piano for a year and can play the piano a bit.
- She's been practicing piano for a year and can play the piano somewhat.

- Po roku ćwiczeń potrafi trochę grać na pianinie.
- Po roku ćwiczeń potrafi co nieco grać na pianinie.