Translation of "Judge" in Polish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Judge" in a sentence and their polish translations:

Judge for yourself.

Osądź sam!

Don't judge by appearances.

Nie sądź po pozorach.

I won't judge you.

Nie będę cię osądzał.

Do not judge me.

Nie oceniaj mnie.

- Don't judge people by their appearance.
- Don't judge people by appearance.
- Don't judge people by the way they look.

Nie wolno sądzić ludzi po pozorach.

You shouldn't judge by appearance.

Nie powinieneś oceniać po wyglądzie.

Which judge heard the case?

Który z sędziów prowadził sprawę?

So he goes before the judge.

Staje przed sądem.

The judge decided against the plaintiff.

Sędzia wydał wyrok na niekorzyść oskarżyciela.

Don't judge someone by their appearance.

Nie osądzaj kogoś na podstawie wyglądu.

- Don't judge a book by its cover.
- You can't judge a book by its cover.

Nie oceniaj książki po okładce.

- We should never judge people by their appearance.
- We shouldn't judge people by how they look.
- We shouldn't judge people based on their appearance.

Nie wolno oceniać ludzi po wyglądzie.

- The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment.
- The judge sentenced him to one year in prison.
- The judge sentenced him to a year in prison.

Sędzia skazał go na rok pozbawienia wolności.

I had to judge it for myself.

Sam muszę to ocenić.

Don't judge a book by its cover.

Nie oceniaj książki po okładce.

- You shouldn't judge a person by his appearance.
- Don't judge a man from the way he looks.

Nie oceniaj ludzi po wyglądzie.

- You should not judge people based on their name.
- You shouldn't judge a person based on his or her name.
- You shouldn't judge people based on their names.

Nie można osądzać ludzi na podstawie ich nazwiska.

- The judge sentenced him to one year in prison.
- The judge sentenced him to a year in prison.

Sędzia skazał go na rok więzienia.

- Don't judge others by the color of their skin.
- Don't judge others by the colour of their skin.

Nie osądzaj innych po kolorze skóry.

The more probable we judge it to be.

tym bardziej jest to prawdopodobne.

Through vibration, she can judge size and speed.

Przez wibrację może ocenić rozmiar i szybkość.

You shouldn't judge a person by his looks.

Nie należy osądzać ludzi po wyglądzie.

You should not judge people by their appearance.

Nie sądź ludzi po wyglądzie.

The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment.

Sędzia skazał go na rok pozbawienia wolności.

You shouldn't judge a person by his appearance.

Nie oceniaj ludzi po wyglądzie.

The judge concluded that the prisoner was guilty.

- Sędzia uznał oskarżonego za winnego.
- Sędzia uznał aresztanta za winnego.

You have to judge the case without bias.

Musisz osądzić tę sprawę bezstronnie.

Either judge ourselves for having so-called "bad emotions,"

albo oskarża się o odczuwanie tak zwanych''złych emocji'',

Don't judge a man from the way he looks.

Nie oceniaj ludzi po wyglądzie.

The presiding judge was touched by pity for the accused.

Sędzia wykazał współczucie wobec oskarżonego.

Don't judge each other by the color of the skin.

Nie oceniaj ludzi po kolorze skóry.

No one should be a judge in his own cause.

Nikt nie jest sędzią we własnej sprawie.

The judge sentenced him to a jail term of five years.

- Sędzia wydał wyrok pięciu lat pozbawienia wolności.
- Sędzia skazał go na pięć lat więzienia.

The argument Mack the Knife gives in court was to say: "Mr. Judge,

Argument, jaki podaje w sądzie na swoją obronę, zawiera się w pytaniu: „Panie sędzio,

You can easily judge the ripeness of a banana by the color of its peel.

Można łatwo stwierdzić, czy banan jest dojrzały, na podstawie koloru skórki.

- Moreover, I judge that Carthage must be annihilated.
- Moreover, I am of the opinion that Carthage must be destroyed.
- Furthermore, I believe that Carthage must be destroyed.

Poza tym uważam, że Kartagina powinna zostać zniszczona.