Translation of "Furious  " in Polish

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Examples of using "Furious  " in a sentence and their polish translations:

My parents were furious.

Moi rodzice byli wściekli.

The governor of Texas was furious.

Gubernator Teksasu był wściekły.

- Are you angry?
- Are you furious?

Czy jesteś zły?

Tom must be furious with Mary.

Tom musi być wściekły na Mary.

- She got angry.
- She got furious.

Zdenerwowała się.

Even though he apologized, I'm still furious.

Mimo, że przeprosiła, wciąż jestem wściekły.

If you refuse, Tom will be furious.

- Tom będzie wściekły, jeśli odmówisz.
- Tom się wścieknie, jeśli odmówisz.

- He fell into a rage.
- He got angry.
- He became furious.
- He became angry.
- He got furious.

Rozzłościł się.

Should he hear of your marriage, he will be furious.

Jeśli on usłyszy o twoim ślubie, będzie wściekły.

- He is furious with anger.
- He is boiling with rage.

Jest wściekły do białości.

- Tom is furious.
- Tom's angry.
- Tom's mad.
- Tom is enraged.
- Tom is infuriated.
- Tom is mad.

Tom jest wściekły.