Translation of "Exploring" in Korean

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Exploring" in a sentence and their korean translations:

Her entire being is thinking, feeling, exploring.

‎생각하고 느끼고 탐험하며 ‎존재의 목적을 실현하죠

The first half is about exploring the problem

전반부는 문제를 탐색하고

And the second half is about exploring the solution.

후반부는 해결책을 탐색하죠.

By exploring after dark, we're revealing new behavior, too.

‎해가 진 후를 탐사함으로써 ‎새로운 습성도 밝혀내고 있죠

Is because I'm exploring this question is meritocracy a myth?

제가 '실력주의는 신화인가?'라는 질문을 탐구 중이거든요

So, if you wanna keep exploring this mine, choose "Try Again."

이 광산을 계속 탐험하시려면 '다시 시도'를 선택하세요

Climate Lab is a new series from Vox and the University of California, and we’ll be exploring

기후 연구소는 Vox와 캘리포니아 대학교의 새로운 시리즈이며