Translation of "Waterloo" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Waterloo" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Defeat at Waterloo.

ニュースが到着するまで、フランスの敵を忠実に寄せ付けませんでした 。

The French were defeated at Waterloo.


Napoleon's army lost the battle of Waterloo in 1815.


Following the Emperor’s defeat at Waterloo,  Davout organised the defence of Paris,  


Crucial errors resulted during the Waterloo campaign, with orders going astray, and commanders


Lefebvre was too exhausted to take an  active role in the Waterloo campaign,  

前に、近くから千発の弾丸を発射した」と付け加えた。 ルフェーブルは

But a severe attack of sciatica prevented  him joining the Emperor at Waterloo.


But after his defeat at Waterloo, in which  mismanaged staff work played an important role,  


Two days later, at Waterloo, Napoleon left much of the tactical handling of the battle


After the defeat at Waterloo, he was put in charge of demobilising the last elements of

ワーテルローでの敗北後、彼は ナポレオンのグランデアルメの

After Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, he fled to  Corsica, gathered a small band of volunteers and  
