Translation of "Torch" in Japanese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Torch" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

- I fumbled for the torch.
- I felt for the torch.


This torch is getting dimmer and dimmer.


It was identified by telescope as a torch.


Stan has always carried a torch for Liz.


Look, we can make a torch out of this.


She shone her torch onto the floor before us.


Better be careful with this torch. That might well be gunpowder.

火に気をつけよう これは火薬かも

Gotta be careful with this torch. That might well be gunpowder.

火に気をつけよう これは火薬かも

Which torch do you think will be our best source of light?

燃やすなら どっちがいいと思う?

Okay, let's try this. Come on, then. Let's put the torch down.

試してみよう 置いておこう

Miyoko carried a torch so long, I think it gave her heartburn.


Also getting harder to breathe here. Now, this torch isn't burning nearly so bright, either.

息苦しくなってきた たいまつも明かりが 弱くなってる

Rick and Carol broke up two months ago, but he's still carrying a torch for her.


This might work pretty good for a torch. We'll just tie it all on with some paracord.

たいまつにピッタリだ パラコードで結びつける