Translation of "Terrifying" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Terrifying" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

"Orwellian, Hitlerian, Terrifying."


The ghost story was terrifying.


That humans are loud and terrifying.


Animals are wonderful, humans are terrifying.

「動物は素晴らしく 人間はゾッとする」

Scared stiff about the terrifying height,


That you understand how terrifying this really is.

これが本当に どれほど恐ろしい状況かが分かります

Now, this was a truly terrifying teachable moment.

さて これは本当に恐ろしく 教育の機会に恵まれた瞬間でした

Because a food grudge is terrifying, isn't it?


To deconstruct all these terrifying stories that we hear.

あちこちで耳にする 恐ろしい噂を 批判的に分析するのは難しいものです

Can be a terrifying place. Many fear what lies beneath.

‎人間に恐怖を抱かせる ‎何が潜むか分からない

Never have I read so terrifying a novel as this.


It got particularly terrifying when we got home from the hospital.

特に赤ちゃんを初めて 我が家に迎えた日がそうでした

Snakes don’t get much more terrifying than this tiny death trap.

この小さなヘビが 最も怖いと言います

And the next minute, the shark is actually clamped down on one of her arms, doing this terrifying death roll.

‎次の瞬間—— ‎彼女の腕をくわえ ‎食いちぎろうと回し始めた