Translation of "Technically" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Technically" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

These operations are technically impossible.


Technically he is still a student.


So technically speaking, when society creates subjective standards,

だから 極端な話 社会が主観的な基準を作ってしまえば

The cochlea implant is a technically ingenious device.


Another of the most technically complex pieces that we've worked on

これまでに取り組んだ中で 技術的に非常に複雑なもうひとつの作品は

André Masséna was born in Nice, at that time not technically part of France, but of

は、当時、技術的にはフランスの一部ではなく 、ピエモンテ・サルデーニャ王国の