Translation of "Creates" in Japanese

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Creates" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Creates a spark.


Passion creates suffering.


And that pattern creates expectation.


This artist creates beautiful paintings.


This creates a beautiful fairness circle.

こうして 公平さの好循環が生まれます

Another hermit crab creates a distraction.

‎別のヤドカリが ‎横取りしに来た

We cannot deny it -- presence creates possibility.

否定することはできません— 存在感は可能性を生み出します

He creates a map of the horizon...


Their combined gravitational force creates spring tides

‎この時 太陽と月の引力で ‎大潮が発生し‎―

So technically speaking, when society creates subjective standards,

だから 極端な話 社会が主観的な基準を作ってしまえば

And usually, when someone creates a bucket list,

大抵 リストを作るのに

Your brain creates all facets of your mind.

脳が心のあらゆる面を 作っているということです

This move creates much, much more powerful middlemen.

この変化により さらに強力な 仲介者が生み出されます

Mixture of the three primary colors creates black.


"How meditation creates interaction - the internal with the external."

「瞑想が 内と外の環境を どんな風に繋げてくれたか」

It creates a two-tiered system: legal and illegal work.

結果として2段階システムの 合法な仕事と違法な仕事が作られます

The immune system creates a small environment of cells and proteins

細胞とタンパク質で構成され 幹細胞の働きを変化させるような

And you see the shadow it creates from the sun over here?

太陽が作り出す影が 見えるかい?

It creates additional job prospects. It allows us to talk to more people.

就職の可能性が増えますし より多くの人と話すことができます

In other words, this is an astonishing era in which dreaming creates wealth.

つまりですね「妄想力が富を産む」という 驚くべき時代が来ている訳ですよ

It creates the tides that have ebbed and flowed over billions of years.

‎地球では太古の昔から ‎こうして海の‎潮汐(ちょうせき)‎が起こる

This creates a problem for actors. They become captives to their star personas.

これは俳優にとって問題です 彼らは自分の役のペルソナから抜け出せなくなります

Evaporation from oceans, lakes, and rivers creates 90% of the water in air.


The vapor that builds through the day creates storms that continue into the night.

‎昼に蓄積された蒸気が ‎夜には嵐となる

Suffixes, 1: "-ion" creates nouns that show the meaning of 'action, state, process, results,' and so on.
