Translation of "Sex" in Japanese

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Sex" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Or selling sex,


Not enjoying sex?"


Sex was very painful.


So what is sex?


Sex workers are real people.


Tom had sex with Mary.


That sex workers are vulnerable to.

実際に悪化させる理由を お話しします

That punitively target the sex industry,


Well, sex work is work, too.


We are simply walking sex acts.


Women want to have sex too.


She is loaded with sex appeal.


Same-sex marriage is legal here.


Regulates sex work by criminalizing everyone involved.

関係者全員を違法とみなすことで セックスワークを取り締まります

"Hey, we don't mind you selling sex,


Then sex worker rights matter to you.

セックスワーカーの権利もまた 重要な問題であるはずです

But a connection between sex and disease

しかも 科学者の間でさえ

Sex is more than just an act.


We've traditionally defined the act of sex

従来の定義では セックスという行為は

They're asking: What is sex for me?

彼女達は問うています 「自分にとってセックスとは何か」

Our relationship with our sex and sexuality.

セックスや性との 関わりなどを支配します

Makes things more dangerous for people selling sex.

売春する人たちを さらなる 危険にさらしてしまうようです

Gays are nothing more than walking sex acts,


sex is about our relationship to the senses.

セックスとは自らの五感との 関係性です

So we're not talking about sex in class.

クラスで 性の話はしません

Now talking about sex is no blushing affair.


I decided sex for money was a better option.

セックスでお金を稼ぐのが ましな方法だと考えました

Why prohibiting the sex industry actually exacerbates every harm

性産業の禁止は セックスワーカーが被りやすい危害を

Why not just criminalize the people who buy sex?

買春をする側を 非合法化すればいいのでは?

But politicians deliberately make regulation around the sex industry

政治家は意図的に 性産業周辺の規制を

Because what they really don't like is anal sex,

嫌われる本当の理由は アナルセックスなのです

But what we really do is we belittle sex.

でも本当は 私達はセックスを 矮小化しているのです

Last night it was Yumi who pushed for sex.


She is well spoken of among her own sex.


Same-sex couples should be able to get married.


Have you ever had sex in a public park?

- 公園でエッチしたことある?
- 公園でHしたことある?

And sex workers are made to comply with special restrictions,

セックスワーカーは 特別な規則に縛られます

Fines and criminal records force people to keep selling sex,

罰金や犯罪歴は 売春をやめさせるどころか

It's the fact of poor migrant women selling sex specifically

一部のフェミニストたちが 語りたがらないのも

And employers of sex workers are accountable to the state.

セックスワーカーの雇用主は 国に対する責任があります

We live in a culture that seems obsessed with sex.

私達の文化は一見してセックスに すっかり囚われているかのようです

This isn't ultimately about women having more or better sex.

これは突き詰めれば 女性がもっと いいセックスをするということでも

The idea of consent is so strongly tied to sex,

同意という概念は非常に 強固に性と繋がっており

You should not discriminate against people because of their sex.


That significantly more people want sex workers to be arrested now

法律が施行される前に比べて ずっと多くの人々が

Instead treating sex work much like any other kind of work.

セックスワークを他の職業と 同様に扱うということです

That means not only listening to sex workers when we speak

セックスワーカーの声に 耳を傾けるだけでなく

I would like to talk with you about sex and disease,

これから 性と病気について お話ししたいと思います

Men reach climax 90 percent of the time they have sex.

男性の場合は 90%です

One's view is determined by his education, sex, class and age.


"... in other words, sex!?" "Geez, you don't beat around the bush!"


She feels very shy in the presence of the opposite sex.


He doesn't want you to tell him about your sex life.


It's not a wife that I want, but a sex friend.


Aren't people who have promiscuous sex afraid of VDs like AIDS?


Fifty-two per cent of British women prefer chocolate to sex.


Most of those people would tell you that selling sex is degrading.

そういった人々の多くは 売春は品位を下げるものであり

Because condoms can legally be used as evidence that you're selling sex.

コンドームが売春の証拠として 法的に用いられているからです

And so you're, in fact, helping sex workers by removing the option.

この選択肢を取り除くことで セックスワーカーを助けるというものです

As a feminist, I know that the sex industry is a site

フェミニストとして 私は性産業が

A sex worker can refuse to see a client at any time,

セックスワーカーは いつどんな理由であっても

Never to talk about sex, politics or religion at the dinner table.

夕食の席ではセックスや政治 宗教の話は 禁止だと習ったかもしれません

Then I'm going tell you about what we, as sex workers, actually want.

それから セックスワーカーである我々が 本当に求めていることをお話しします

Sex workers working in these places are forced to make a tough choice

こうした場所で働くセックスワーカーは 逮捕される危険か

I wonder if you can sue someone of the same sex for sexual harassment?


Your pussy stinks when you have sex with me, because you are a dirty slut.


After having anal sex with my girlfriend, we usually need to have a good wash.


I want to have sex with a male porn actor at least once before I die.


The wolverine spends most of its life alone, defending the borders of its territory from individuals of the same sex.


As a rule, not only in humans, but also in animals, "sexual display" occurs, consciously or unconsciously, towards individuals of the opposite sex.

- 凡そ人間に限らず、あらゆる動物は、異性に対つて、意識的無意識的に、「性的示威」を行ふものである。
- 凡そ人間に限らず、あらゆる動物は、異性に対って、意識的無意識的に、「性的示威」を行うものである。

- He doesn't want you to tell him about your sex life.
- He doesn't want you to talk about your sexual life to him.


Although the locker rooms were segregated by sex, upon entering the bath, women and men were not separated--it was a mixed bath.

更衣室は男女に別れていましたが、お風呂場に入って行ったら 男女区別なく、混浴でした。

Friendship in itself is something very vague and even in cases of same-sex friendships, it takes many shapes and is brought on by many different motives.

- 一体、友情といふものは、それ自身甚だ曖昧なもので、同性間の友情でさへ、様々な動機によつて、様々な形態を取るものである。
- 一体、友情というものは、それ自身甚だ曖昧なもので、同性間の友情でさえ、様々な動機によって、様々な形態を取るものである。

Just because it's a "safe day" I'm not going to make out like monkeys without protection. Isn't it the duty of loving sex to take proper care of contraception?


- That's not what I meant. I'm not being sexist. Men and women are just different.
- That's not what I mean. Sex discrimination, female discrimination, whatever, men and women are just different.


Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
