Translation of "Vulnerable" in Japanese

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Vulnerable" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

I felt very vulnerable.


Where they're vulnerable to attack.

働くことになり 攻撃されやすくなります

vulnerable to illusions, self-centeredness

幻想や利己主義という 弱さを持ち

That sex workers are vulnerable to.

実際に悪化させる理由を お話しします

And abuse them when they're vulnerable.

弱い立場にある際には 虐待もします

In the open, the geladas are vulnerable.

ここは見通しが よすぎるのだ

Then why are teens more vulnerable than children,

なぜ若者は子供より 危険に惹かれるのでしょう?

The most vulnerable people are forced to work illegally,

最も弱い立場にある人々が 違法な仕事をせざるを得ないため

Whenever I was in crisis or I was vulnerable.

危機に陥ったり へこんだりした時はいつもです

To sense how vulnerable these wild animals' lives are,

‎野生生物を含め ‎この星の生き物が‎——

Mr Smith is vulnerable to this kind of criticism.


Especially those where the workers are migrants or otherwise vulnerable,

労働者が移民や弱者である場合は 特にそうです

Are by creating experiences that force me to be vulnerable.

自分からすすんで 自らを弱い立場に追いやることです

May have the potential to change the already-vulnerable teenage brain

恐れや罪悪感など リスクへの否定的感情を

What if our glaciers are much more vulnerable than previously thought?

思っていたよりも ずっと 脆いものだとしたら?

To talk about some of the most vulnerable people on our planet.


And actually, then how vulnerable all our lives on this planet are.

‎非常にもろい存在だと ‎実感する

Picking up maybe close to 100 shells and stones... and then folding her arms over her vulnerable head.

‎貝や石を100個くらい ‎腕に吸いつけ・・・ ‎柔らかい頭を ‎腕で完全に覆ったんだ

The talented young chess player is very bold. He deliberately lays himself open to attack, makes himself vulnerable and then checkmates his opponent when least expected.
