Translation of "Metaphor" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Metaphor" in a sentence and their japanese translations:



As the storm metaphor suggests?

嵐のような 自然現象だったのでしょうか?

He has a different metaphor.


And so there he is using the metaphor of shit,

ここで彼は「クソ」という 隠喩を使っています

They're quite happy to have their music transformed into metaphor --

喜んでもらえるのは 音楽を比喩で表現すること―

We can't speak for very long without reaching for a metaphor,

私たちは隠喩に辿りつかずに 長く話すことはできないのです

"He's a tiger when he's angry" is an example of metaphor.


If you think about this, this is a great metaphor for trust.

このゲームは 信頼というものの良い比喩であると言えます

And this is a metaphor that every human being on the planet

そしてこの隠喩は この惑星のすべての人間が

And this is a metaphor that can get a giggle from time to time.

ときどき人々を クスッと笑わせることができます

It's apparently a metaphor for something uncatchable, light of body and fleet of foot.


"A fish out of water" is a metaphor for being unable to use your talents due to a change of environment.
