Translation of "Lining" in Japanese

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Lining" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Every cloud has a silver lining.

- 憂いの反面には喜びがあるものだ。
- 不幸の裏には幸いあり。
- どんな悪いことにも良い面がある。
- どの雲にも銀の裏地がついている。

What are you lining up for?


- After a storm comes a calm.
- After rain comes fair weather.
- Every cloud has a silver lining.

- 不幸の裏には幸いあり。
- 雨天の後には晴天が来る。

- Every cloud has a silver lining.
- It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
- It's a blessing in disguise.
- No joy without alloy.
