Translation of "Leadership  " in Japanese

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Leadership  " in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Who has leadership?


He has a capacity for leadership.


Lincoln is admired because of his leadership.


He took the leadership of the party.


Because not only would I learn about leadership,


He assumed the leadership of the political party.


You must act under the leadership of your supervisor.


America's been waiting for someone who can really show leadership.

アメリカは待っていた 本当のリーダーシップを示せる人を

Certainly there are downsides to leadership by coercion and force.


Leadership by coercion would not produce the results we see.


She has consented to take the leadership of the party.

- 彼女はその党の指導的任務につくことを承認した。
- 彼女は党の指輝を取ることに承諾した。

Leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference after King’s assassination the


Tactics, a hostile population and terrain, and Masséna’s own lethargic leadership.

、敵対的な人口と地形、そしてマセナ自身の無気力なリーダーシップ によって取り消された災害を証明しました 。

His leadership helped many thousands of soldiers to make it back alive.


Changes of leadership have a great effect on the international political economy.


It is certain that one important criterion for employment is having 'leadership'.


Aggressive leadership won praise from General  Masséna, then, at Dego, from General Bonaparte  


Spanish soldiers and civilians defended the city  with legendary courage, but Lannes’ leadership  


A secret language of leadership that we all used to be taught at school.

以前は誰にでも学校で 教えられていた秘密の言語

And so it's very hard for them to realize that they have leadership capacities.

だから女性が 自分にも指導力があって 現状から抜け出せるとか

But Ney’s fury at what he considered Masséna’s disastrous leadership boiled over into open

。 しかし、マセナの悲惨なリーダーシップと彼が考えたものに対するネイの怒りは、

And he decided to do a project on looking at leadership in that context.

そのリーダーシップを題材に プロジェクトをすることに決めました

But she was also capable of decisive leadership: in alliance with France and Austria, Elizabeth

しかし彼女は優れた指導力を発揮し、 フランス、オーストリアと同盟

He was made an officer, and thanks to exemplary  leadership and courage, rose in rank from captain  

彼は将校になり、模範的なリーダーシップと勇気のおかげ で、1年で中将から中将に

The teacher may say nothing, grading the students on how much they participate, what they add to the discussion, and their leadership of it.


Speaking with reporters in Montreal, Canada, Walesa says the change of leadership in East Germany came about because the old guard leaders missed the train of history.


And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.


And all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.
