Translation of "Jungle" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Jungle" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

He explored the Amazon jungle.


- We will get through the jungle somehow.
- We'll get through the jungle somehow.


Take another one; "The Calais Jungle".

他の例を見てみましょう カレー市(フランス)の「ジャングル」

Wild animals live in the jungle.


This boat goes through the jungle.


We chopped our way through the jungle.


The expedition passed through the great jungle.


- He wrote a book about his adventures in the jungle.
- He wrote a book about jungle adventures.


Jungle travel without a machete... is not fun.

ジャングルで なたがないと 楽しくない

[Bear] Surviving the jungle is no easy task.


In the jungle, life never goes to waste.


They cut out a path through thick jungle.


They cut out a path through the jungle.


He contracted malaria while living in the jungle.


He ran a great risk in the jungle.


And that in the jungle, is a big loss.

ジャングルでは― 大問題(だいもんだい)だ

But the jungle moisture makes those rocks really slippery.

だがジャングルの湿気(しっけ)で 岩はかなりすべりやすい

Before being released into the jungle. As for Gubbi...

ジャングルに帰されました ゴビは…

Intent on itemizing the contents of this jungle visitor’s backpack.

訪問者のリュックの中身を 調べています

...we can reveal the jungle in an entirely new light.

‎知られざるジャングルの姿が ‎明かされる

At night, the jungle canopy comes alive with fantastic beasts.

‎夜には‎― ‎樹上で さまざまな動物が ‎活動を始める

He wrote a book about his adventures in the jungle.


If you Google "Calais" and "jungle," you get 70 million results.

「カレー (Calais)」と「ジャングル」を グーグルで検索すると7千万件ヒットします

To a remote village right in the heart of the jungle.

届(とど)けること ジャングルの中心だ

But hot jungle nights mean he can stay active after dark.

‎暑いジャングルなら ‎夜でも動き回れる

It's not the only animal in the jungle to see things differently.

‎変わった視界を持つ動物は ‎他にもいる

Who knows what challenges the jungle will have in store for us tomorrow.

明日はどんな挑戦(ちょうせん)が 待ってるか分からない

If there's ever an environment where you need your strength, it's the jungle.

強くないと 生きられないのが― ジャングルさ

The medicine won't last long in this jungle heat, so time is critical.

このくすりは熱(ねつ)に弱(よわ)いんだ 急(いそ)がないと

A probe no grub can escape. The jungle creeps and crawls by night.

‎幼虫は絶体絶命だ ‎夜は虫たちも活動的だ

I've done rock climbing and deep-sea diving and slept in an Indonesian jungle.


I've learned in the jungle, it's often the little things that can be the most deadly.

ジャングルでは小さな物も― 命取りになる

- The lion is the king of the jungle.
- The lion is the king of the forest.


[Bear] So what's the best way to make sure we avoid the attention of the jungle jaguars?

ジャガーの気をそらす― 最善(さいぜん)の方法(ほうほう)は?

It's a good thing you chose this cave for shelter. The jungle comes even more alive at night.

ほら穴を選(えら)んだのは いい判断(はんだん)だ 夜のジャングルは 生き生きとする

If the demolition of buildings is uncontrolled, a fine city is in danger of becoming nothing more than a concrete jungle.


But it's hard to stay in touch above the clamor of the jungle night. The colugo's solution has only recently been discovered.

‎騒がしいジャングルでの ‎彼らの連絡手段は‎― ‎最近になって ‎やっと解明されてきた

That’s when the biggest boy on the block decided it was time to show his intruders the jungle door, and the chase was on.

ジャングルの大将が侵入者を 追い払うことにしたのです 追跡の始まりです