Translation of "Feeding" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Feeding" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

I'm feeding the goldfish.


Eradicating disease, feeding the hungry,

病気を根絶し 飢餓にあえぐ人に食べ物を与え

But they can keep feeding.


I'm bottle-feeding my baby.


I'm breast-feeding my baby.


I enjoy feeding the pigeons.


And feeding yourself or your family,

自分や家族の生活を支えるかを 選ぶとなると

Sheep are feeding in the meadow.


She will often sit there feeding birds.


The sheep were feeding in the meadow.


There was no more feeding, no more hunting.

‎獲物を捕らず ‎食事もしなくなった

Feeding in the dead of night is extremely unusual.


Worms and sea stars feeding on a dead seal.

ヒモムシとヒトデが アザラシの死骸を食べる姿を描きました

The child was feeding the monkey with the banana.


By day, elephants spend most of their time feeding in the shade.

‎日中は木陰で ‎餌を食べて過ごしている

Overwhelming their predators, the vast majority will make it to their feeding grounds.

‎敵を数で圧倒し‎― ‎大多数は餌場にたどり着く

- The sheep were feeding in the meadow.
- Sheep were grazing in the meadow.


He sits upright, not crouched over his plate like an animal at a feeding trough.


feeding on harmful bugs, insects, and even venomous scorpions. But does the good outweigh the bad?

有害な虫や昆虫から 毒サソリまで食べます でも負の側面に 勝るでしょうか?

And the fish, you know, feeding on her. A lot of the scavengers coming to feed on her.

‎腹をすかせた魚や ‎腐肉食動物が集まる