Translation of "Depression" in Japanese

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Depression" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Depression takes practice.

うつ病とうまく付き合うには 練習が必要です

Of the Great Depression.


Yes, depression is real.


I fell into depression,


So, depression is super common!

つまり 鬱は超普通のことなのです

And we don't understand depression.

でも 私たちはうつ病をわかっていません

Merchants complain about the depression.

- 商売をしている人は不況だとこぼしている。
- 商売している人は不況だとこぼしている。

- I suffer from depression during the wintertime.
- I suffer from depression during the winter.


Much bigger reductions in depression scores


So, can magic mushrooms unlock depression?

さて マジックマッシュルームは うつ病という檻を開けるか?

I've been worrying myself into depression.


The economist anticipated a prolonged depression.


The Japanese economy is in depression.


Maybe you've heard that depression is contagious

もしかして 鬱は伝染すると聞いて

I do a comedy show about depression,

僕は 鬱をネタに コメディーショーだってやってます

He suffered from depression for 30 years.

彼は 30年間うつ症状に苦しみました

We are entering an epidemic of depression.

現代は うつ病の蔓延期に 入りつつあります

That help us fight stress and depression.


So what are your symptoms of depression?


Who have been diagnosed with major depression,


The economist instinctively anticipated the current depression.


She is apt to fits of depression.


He was in a mood of depression.


I suffer from depression during the wintertime.


The economy is in a slight depression.


I suffer from depression during the winter.


I began battling depression when I was eight,

僕は 8歳の時から鬱と闘っていますが

And since that time he's been depression free.

それ以来 彼のうつ症状はなくなりました

Their symptoms of depression were going right down,


So there were small reductions in their depression


She sometimes goes into a mood of depression.


Tom fell into depression from working too hard.


You can't cure clinical depression by getting ice cream,

精神疾患をアイスクリームで 治そうとしても無理です

And since that time he has been depression free.

それ以降 うつ症状が消えました

Not only had the symptoms of his depression gone,


We kept seeing these drops in their depression scores

シロサイビン投与後 何度も

They were stuck in their individual prisons of depression.

彼らは うつという 自らの監獄から抜け出せないでいました

The report states that there will be a depression.


The Japanese government will take measures to counter depression.


Because of the protracted depression, many workers are unemployed.


Business is finally looking up after a long depression.


And in this study, 20 individuals with treatment-resistant depression,

この研究では 治療抵抗性の 20人のうつ病患者に

His depression came to an end when she kissed him.


- It doesn’t matter what you say, he’ll be acquitted because of depression.
- By definition the fact it’s depression means it’ll be an acquittal.


Six of them were still in remission, no symptoms of depression.

6人が うつの症状のない 寛解状態でした

And then the symptoms of depression started to creep back again.

その後 次第に うつの症状が戻り始めました

So we could see that depression symptoms were going right down.

うつ病の症状が 激減するのを確認できました

What I'm saying, is that living well with depression takes practice.

うつでも充実した暮しをするには 練習が必要なのです

Your symptoms of depression and the strategies that work for you.

自分のうつの症状と それに効果のある対策です

And still, many people with depression have no temper at all.


It can lead to higher blood pressure, higher levels of depression,

高血圧を引き起こしたり うつ病の危険性を高めたり

In half of the visits, the actors reported symptoms of depression.

半分の役者は うつ病の症状を訴えました

There is a rapid increase in shops struggling in the depression.


But for 11, their depression was greatly reduced for about two months,

しかし 11人については 2ヶ月間 うつ症状が大幅に低下し

Being depressed leads to falling behind, falling behind leads to more depression.

うつ状態になると何事も遅くなり さらに症状は悪化してしまいます

In spite of the depression, the prices of commodities are still high.


So that we could do the first psilocybin for depression study last year.

私たちは 去年初めて シロサイビンを使った うつ病治療研究ができるようになりました

And in this epidemic of depression, there are so many people in need,

そして うつ病の流行において 助けを必要とする人が多くいます

When we usually talk about the symptoms of depression, it's a generic list.

皆さんは普通うつ病の症状と言えば パンフレットかインターネット上にある

The current slump of the economy will not turn into a serious depression.


All of this means that depression can be as debilitating as a physical obstacle.

うつ病は 杖をつかなければ歩けないほど

After Tom lost his job, he started to gamble to cope with his depression.


These sea boats are fast enough to stay in a depression for several days.


A lot of people were out of work during the Great Depression in America.


A business cycle is a recurring succession of periods of prosperity and periods of depression.


Yet when it comes to depression, we think that a label and medication are enough to cope.

一方うつ病には診断と投薬で十分と 考えられています

During the Depression in the 1930's, many wealthy people lost everything in the stock market crash.


Depression is a period marked by slackening of business activity, widespread unemployment, falling prices, and wages, etc.


That may be a good thing for those with major depression, who might benefit from an medication.

本当にうつ病になっている人には 薬は効果があるのでよいのですが、

When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose. Yes, we can.

アメリカの大草原に絶望が吹き荒れ、大恐慌が国を覆ったとき、クーパーさんは「新しい契約(ニュー・ディール)」と新しい仕事と新しく共有する目的意識によって、国全体が恐怖そのものを克服する様を目撃しました。Yes we can。私たちにはできるのです。