Translation of "Alexander" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Alexander" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Alexander marched on to Phrada.


Alexander himself married two Persian princesses.


In Bactria, another plot to assassinate Alexander was uncovered.


The Battle of Issus was a stunning victory for Alexander.

イッソスの戦いはアレクサンドロスの 大勝利に終わった

With designs inspired by our Napoleon  and Alexander the Great series.  


Hermolaus had become murderously bitter towards Alexander over a perceived injustice.

ヘルモラオスはアレクサンドロスから 不当な仕打ちを受けたため、殺意を抱いた

Alexander was succeeded by his brother Nicholas, a conservative and reactionary.

アレクサンドル1世の後を継いだ弟 ニコライ1世は、保守的で復古的な性格だった

The telephone is among the inventions attributed to Alexander Graham Bell.


The ruler of Taxila, near modern Islamabad, had formed an alliance with Alexander.

現在のイスラマバード付近にあるタクシラの王が アレクサンドロスと同盟を結ぶ

But before Alexander could advance further, he needed to neutralise Persian naval power

しかしここで、アレクサンドロスは前進を止めて ペルシア海軍を無力化する必要に迫られた

From Paris, he wrote to the Russian Emperor Alexander at Allied headquarters, informing

タレーランはパリから同盟軍本部の ロシア皇帝アレクサンドルへ手紙を送った

On his return to Persia, Alexander executed several of his viceroys and governors - men

ペルシアに戻ったアレクサンドロスは 太守や行政官を複数処刑した

And when Alexander refused to negotiate, the French army was forced to make a long retreat

アレクサンドルは交渉を拒否したため、 フランス軍はロシアの冬の中

Few men have ever had such an impact on the course of history as Alexander the Great.

アレクサンドロス大王のように歴史の流れに 影響を与えた人物はほとんどいない