Translation of "Picks" in Hungarian

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Picks" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

But no one picks it up

de senki sem cuppan rá,

Tom sometimes picks his nose in public.

Tom néha nyilvánosan túrja az orrát.

- Tom is not violent and he never picks fights with anybody.
- Tom isn't violent and he never picks fights with anybody.
- Tom isn't violent and he never picks fights with anyone.

Tomi nem erőszakos és senkivel nem bocsátkozik vitába.

- From 7 o'clock onwards, the traffic in the town picks up.
- From 7 o'clock on, the traffic in the town picks up.

Hét órától életre kel a forgalom a városkában.

It picks up the heat signature of the landscape... and the animals within.

Kép formájában rögzíti a terep és az ott lévő állatok hőmérsékletét.

"With no picks how did you break in?" "The toilet window was open."

– Hogy sikerült bejutnotok csákány nélkül? – Nyitva volt a vécéablak.

See, he picks up his hands as if he is eating a piece of food,

Látják? Felemeli a mancsait, mintha enne egy darab ételt,

But the problem is, of course, she's gotta come back. On the other side, the shark picks up her scent again.

A gond persze az volt, hogy vissza kellett mennie. A másik oldalon a cápa megint kiszimatolta őt,