Translation of "Stripped" in French

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Stripped" in a sentence and their french translations:

Mary stripped off her clothes.

Marie s'est déshabillée.

The boy stripped off his clothes.

Le garçon a enlevé ses vêtements.

Tom was stripped to the waist.

Tom était torse nu.

The king was stripped of his power.

Le roi fut déchu de ses pouvoirs.

And I stripped down to my underwear,

et je me suis déshabillée

Strong winds stripped the tree of its leaves.

Des vents forts dépouillèrent l'arbre de ses feuilles.

A strong wind stripped the trees of their leaves.

Un vent fort dépouilla les arbres de leurs feuilles.

Meaning is what's left when everything else is stripped away."

Le sens, c'est ce qu'il reste quand on enlève tout le reste. »

She stripped the child and put him in the bath.

Elle déshabilla l'enfant et le mit au bain.

He was stripped of his rank, and not  officially reinstated until 1795,  

Il a été déchu de son grade et n'a été réintégré officiellement qu'en 1795,

Or finding that stripped-down kind of meaning in the love of family

ou de trouver ce sens brut dans l'amour de sa famille

For the second time, something that would have stripped him of his legal immunity.

pour la deuxième fois, ce qui l'aurait privé de son immunité légale.

Even if the meat is stripped bare, there's so much you can use on it.

Même si la viande est déjà partie, ça sert à tellement de choses.

Even if the meat is stripped bare, there's so much you can use on it.

Même si la viande est déjà partie, ça sert à tellement de choses.

Davout was stripped of his rank and income,  though they were restored two years later,  

Davout was stripped of his rank and income, though they were restored two years later,

But the Emperor was not interested. Augereau was  stripped of his baton, and died the next year.

mais l'empereur ne s'y intéresse pas. Augereau fut dépouillé de son bâton et mourut l'année suivante.