Translation of "Rattles" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Rattles" in a sentence and their french translations:

* Rattles *

* Rattles *

* Coin rattles *

* Hochets de pièces *

* Cassette rattles. *

* Cassette cliquetis. *

When it rattles properly,

Quand ça claque correctement,

-[snake rattles] -That's probably smart.

C'est une sage décision.

-Don't go anywhere, stay there. -[rattles]

Ne pars pas, reste ici.

-Let's get the snake away. -[snake rattles]

Virons le serpent.

And then the venom drips down the fangs, into the glass jar. -Okay. -[snake rattles]

et le venin s'écoulera des crocs et tombera dans le pot. Allez.

So you want me to try and catch this rattlesnake -[snake rattles] -by grabbing him by the tail?

Vous voulez capturer ce serpent à sonnette en le prenant par la queue ?