Translation of "That's" in French

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "That's" in a sentence and their french translations:

That's, that's

C'est pour ça

- That's nonsense.
- That's rubbish.
- That's hogwash.

- Ce sont des conneries.
- C'est de la connerie.
- C'est de la foutaise.

- That's wrong.
- That's incorrect.
- That's wrong!

Ce n'est pas vrai.

- That's true.
- That's right.
- That's correct.

Tout juste.

That's ... That's true, yes.

C'est ... C'est vrai, oui.

- That's impossible.
- That's impossible!

- C'est impossible.
- Ce n'est pas possible.

- That's disgusting.
- That's gross.

C'est dégueulasse.

- That's me.
- That's me!

C'est moi.

- That's funny.
- That's funny!

- Laisse-moi rire !
- C'est drôle !

- That's bullshit!
- That's bollocks!

Ce sont des conneries !

- That's brilliant!
- That's brilliant.

C'est grand !

- That's strange.
- That's weird.

C'est étrange.

- That's unbelievable!
- That's unbelievable.

Incroyable !

- That's fantastic.
- That's fantastic!

C'est fantastique.

- That's great.
- That's great!

- C'est grand !
- Super !

- That's amazing!
- That's amazing.

C'est formidable.

- That's awesome!
- That's awesome.

C'est génial !

- That's dangerous.
- That's dangerous!

C'est dangereux.

- That's OK.
- That's okay.

C'est bon.

That's all that's necessary.

C'est tout ce qui est nécessaire.

- That's fine.
- That's fine!

- C’est bon.
- Très bien !
- C’est du propre !

- That's obvious.
- That's evident.

- C'est patent.
- Ça va sans dire.

- That's bullshit!
- That's shit!

C'est des conneries !

- That's terrible.
- That's awful.

C'est terrible !

- That's crazy.
- That's crazy!

- C'est fou.
- C'est dingue.

- That's ridiculous.
- That's ridiculous!

C'est risible !

- That's weird.
- That's odd.

C'est bizarre.

- That's hard.
- That's difficult.

- C'est difficile.
- C'est dur.

- That's right!
- That's right.

Mais ouais !

- It's big!
- That's big!
- That's great!
- That's brilliant!

C'est grand !

- It's OK.
- That's OK.
- That's okay.
- That's good.
- That's fine.
- It's okay.
- It's fine.
- That's alright.

C'est bien.

That's ...

C'est ...

That's - that's where I'll be."

c'est - c'est là que je serai.

- That's not fair.
- That's unfair.

C'est injuste.

- That's it.
- Good.
- That's right.

C'est ça.

- That's enough.
- Enough!
- That's enough!

Ça suffit !

- That's absolute nonsense!
- That's absolute nonsense.
- That's utter nonsense.

C'est vraiment n'importe quoi !

- That's strange.
- That's weird.
- That's peculiar.
- This is outlandish.

C'est étrange.

- That's stupid.
- That's silly.
- That's foolish.
- This is foolish.
- It's stupid.
- That's dumb.

- C'est bête.
- C'est con.
- C'est idiot.
- C'est stupide.

- That's not true.
- That's wrong.
- That's incorrect.
- That isn't right.
- That's not right.

- Ce n'est pas vrai.
- Ça ne colle pas.

- That's an old hat.
- That's old hat.
- That's yesterday's news.

C'est un vieux chapeau.

- Alright, that's enough.
- OK, that's enough.
- All right, that's enough.

- Bien, il suffit !
- Bien, en voilà assez.

- It's pathetic.
- That's stupid.
- That's lame.
- It's stupid.
- That's dumb.

C'est minable.

That's a technique that's sometimes used

C'est une technique qui est parfois utilisée

That's yes ... That's yes ... (laughs) But

C'est oui ... C'est oui ... (rires) Mais

- That's MY line!
- That's my line!

C'est ma réplique !

- That's troubling.
- That's disturbing.
- It's disturbing.

C'est inquiétant.

- That's a possibility.
- That's one possibility.

C'est une possibilité.

- That's my boy.
- That's my boy!

C'est mon garçon.

- That's my wish.
- That's my hope.

C'est mon désir.

- That's a lie!
- That's a lie.

C'est un mensonge !

- That's an order.
- That's an order!

C'est un ordre !

- That's very interesting.
- That's extremely interesting.

- C'est très intéressant.
- C'est fort intéressant.

- That's so true!
- That's so true.

C'est tellement vrai !

- That's just false.
- That's simply wrong.

C'est juste faux.

- That's my cat.
- That's my pussy.

C'est mon chat.

- That's my answer!
- That's my answer.

C'est ma réplique !

- That's an understatement!
- That's an understatement.

- C'est un euphémisme !
- Le mot est faible !
- C'est peu dire !
- C'est bien le moins !

- That's really great!
- That's really great.

- C'est vraiment génial !
- C'est vraiment super.

- That's the Biosphere? - That's the Biosphere.

- C'est Biosphère ? - Oui.

- That's funny.
- That's fun.
- It's amusing.

- C'est amusant.
- C'est marrant.
- C'est drôle.
- C'est rigolo.

- That's absolute nonsense!
- That's absolute nonsense.

C'est complètement insensé.

- Thanks, that's all.
- Thanks, that's everything.

Merci, c'est tout.

- That's too much.
- That's too much!

- C'est trop !
- Ça c'est trop.

- That's not bad.
- That's pretty good.

Ce n'est pas mal.

- That's very good.
- That's very good!

- C’est très bon.
- Très bien.

- That's really impressive!
- That's really impressive.

C'est très impressionnant.

- That's my business.
- That's my business!

Ça me regarde.

- That's probably true.
- That's likely true.

C'est probablement vrai.

- That's not uncommon.
- That's not unusual.

Ce n'est pas inhabituel.

- That's good enough.
- That's pretty good.

C'est suffisamment bon.

- That's not cool.
- That's not cool!

Ce n'est pas sympa.

- That's not true.
- That's not true!

Ce n'est pas vrai !

That's the only thing that's important.

C'est la seule chose qui soit importante.

- That's MY line!
- That's my answer!

C'est ma réplique !

- Perhaps that's true.
- Maybe that's right.

C'est peut-être exact.

- That's a copy.
- That's a fake.

C'est une copie.

- That's too expensive.
- That's too expensive!

C'est trop cher !

- That's not interesting.
- That's no fun.

C'est pas marrant.

- That's brilliant!
- How ingenious!
- That's brilliant.

- C'est grand !
- Comme c'est ingénieux !

- That's my car.
- That's my car!

- C'est ma voiture.
- C'est ma bagnole.

- That's enough.
- It's sufficient.
- That's sufficient.

C'est suffisant.