Translation of "Leopard" in French

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Leopard" in a sentence and their french translations:

A leopard never changes its spots.

Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop.

The leopard cannot change his spots.

Qui a bu boira.

Tom is as fast as a leopard.

Tom est aussi rapide qu'un léopard.

But the leopard, clearly panicked, has other ideas.

Mais le léopard paniqué a d'autres idées.

The leopard was getting bored with its spots.

Le léopard commençait à en avoir marre de ses taches.

All are suggestions to ward off a leopard attack,

sont toutes des recommandations pour éviter une attaque.

By some miracle she was spared by the leopard,

Par miracle, elle a été épargnée par le léopard,

In the case of the Indian leopard, you get injured.

Dans le cas du léopard indien, il y a des blessés.

The leopard was starting to get tired of his spots.

Le léopard commençait à en avoir marre de ses taches.

- A leopard cannot change his spots.
- Once a thief, always a thief.
- A leopard can't change his spots.
- He who drinks, will drink.

Qui a bu boira.

- Once a thief, always a thief.
- A leopard never changes its spots.
- Only death cures all pain.
- A leopard never changes his spots.

Qui a bu boira.

- A leopard cannot change his spots.
- What is bred in the bone will come out in the blood.
- A leopard never changes its spots.

Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop.

There were a 176 reported leopard attacks, nine of them fatal.

on a recensé 176 attaques de léopards, dont neuf mortelles.

He says he got injured because the leopard was irritated and excited.

Il dit avoir été blessé parce que le léopard était irrité et excité.

[Sanjay] We have documented that about 17 people have been killed by leopard attack...

Nous avons recensé 17 personnes tuées par des léopards...

And by that time the leopard had jumped at me and pulled me down.

C'est à ce moment que le léopard a bondi sur moi pour me tirer au sol.

History talks of the “man-eating leopard of Rudraprayag," a rogue from the 19th century

L'histoire parle du "léopard mangeur d'hommes de Rudraprayag", une bête sauvage du 19ème siècle.

It let me go and the leopard was trying to jump out of the compound.

Puis il m'a lâché pour tenter de sauter hors du complexe.

This time a large male leopard on a rampage at a local school in the state’s capital, Bangalore.

Cette fois, un imposant léopard mâle sème la terreur dans une école de la capitale de l'État, Bangalore.