Translation of "Hugging" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Hugging" in a sentence and their french translations:

They stopped hugging.

Ils cessèrent leurs embrassades.

I like hugging Veronica.

J’aime serrer Veronika dans mes bras.

They are hugging and kissing.

Ils s'étreignent et s'embrassent.

They're expressing their love by hugging.

Ils expriment leur amour en s'enlaçant.

We started hugging and kissing each other.

On a commencé à se faire des câlins et à s'embrasser.

- Tom almost always falls to sleep at night hugging his teddy bear.
- Tom almost always falls asleep at night hugging his teddy bear.

Tom s'endort presque toujours la nuit en faisant un câlin à son ours en peluche.

- We started making out.
- We started hugging and kissing each other.

On a commencé à se faire des câlins et à s'embrasser.