Translation of "Furies" in French

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Examples of using "Furies" in a sentence and their french translations:

"But mad with love's despair, / and stung with Furies for his spouse denied, / at length Orestes caught the wretch unware, / e'en by his father's shrine, and smote him then and there."

" Mais Oreste en fureur, qu'incessamment tourmente / le fouet de Némésis, le regret d'une amante, / jette aux pieds de l'autel son rival égorgé, / et ce rapt criminel par un crime est vengé. "

"Mark then my words and in your breasts retain. / What Jove, the Sire omnipotent, of old / revealed to Phoebus, and to me again / Phoebus Apollo at his hest foretold, / I now to thee and thine, the Furies' Queen, unfold."

" Apprenez donc de moi, fils de Laomédon, / ce qu'apprit Jupiter au divin Apollon, / ce qu'Apollon m'apprit, ce que je vous déclare, / moi, la terrible sœur des filles du Tartare. "