Translation of "Anybody" in Dutch

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Anybody" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

- Is anybody home?
- Anybody home?

Is er iemand thuis?

- Is anybody here?
- Anybody here?

Is hier iemand?

- Is anybody home?
- Is there anybody in the house?
- Anybody home?

Is er iemand in het huis?

Anybody here?

Is hier iemand?

Anybody hurt?

Iemand gewond?

Anybody can participate.

Iedereen mag deelnemen.

Was anybody killed?

- Werd er iemand vermoord?
- Werd er iemand gedood?

Don't tell anybody.

Vertel het aan niemand!

Is anybody here?

Is hier iemand?

Anybody knows it.

Iedereen weet dat.

Has anybody come?

Is er iemand gekomen?

Anybody will do.

Wie dan ook.

Has anybody called?

Heeft iemand gebeld?

She didn't visit anybody.

Ze bezocht niemand.

Can anybody else answer?

Kan iemand anders antwoorden?

Anybody want a lift?

Wil iemand meerijden?

I don't have anybody.

Ik heb niemand.

- Ask anyone.
- Ask anybody.

- Vraagt u het eender wie.
- Vraag maar aan wie dan ook.

I didn't see anybody.

- Ik heb niemand gezien.
- Ik zag niemand.

Anybody want a beer?

Wil iemand een biertje?

Does anybody smell smoke?

Ruikt er iemand rook?

Just don't tell anybody.

Niet doorvertellen.

There isn't anybody here.

Er is niemand hier.

Does anybody recognize this?

Herkent iemand dit?

You can't trust anybody.

Je kunt niemand vertrouwen.

Does anybody know him?

Kent iemand hem?

- Is anybody hurt?
- Is anyone hurt?
- Did anybody get hurt?
- Anybody hurt?
- Anyone hurt?
- Has anyone been hurt?
- Has anybody been hurt?
- Did anyone get hurt?
- Did anyone get injured?
- Did anybody get injured?

Is er iemand gewond?

- Anyone can do that.
- Anybody can do that.
- Anybody can do this.

- Iedereen kan dat doen.
- Om het even wie kan dat doen.

War doesn't make anybody happy.

Niemand wordt gelukkig van oorlog.

Does anybody want a pizza?

Wil iemand een pizza?

Does anybody have a pencil?

Heeft iemand een potlood?

I'm not scared of anybody.

Ik ben voor niemand bang.

I'm not hiding from anybody.

Ik verstop me voor niemand.

Tom has never needed anybody.

Tom heeft nooit iemand nodig gehad.

Why would anybody kiss me?

Waarom zou iemand me kussen?

Don't give this to anybody.

Geef dat aan niemand.

Why doesn't anybody help you?

Waarom helpt niemand je?

No one owes anybody anything.

Niemand is iemand iets schuldig.

I've never seen anybody die.

Ik heb nog nooit iemand zien sterven.

- I do not want anybody at all.
- I don't want anybody at all.

Ik wil helemaal niemand.

- I will never tell it to anybody.
- I shall never tell it to anybody.

Ik zal het nooit aan iemand vertellen.

- It can happen to anybody.
- It could happen to anybody.
- It happens to everyone.

Het overkomt iedereen wel.

Don't mention our plan to anybody.

Vertel niemand over ons plan.

Is there anybody in the house?

Is er iemand in het huis?

Does anybody here have a corkscrew?

Heeft iemand hier een kurkentrekker?

- Is anybody hurt?
- Is anyone hurt?

Is er iemand gewond?

- Don't tell anyone.
- Don't tell anybody.

Vertel het aan niemand hoor.

- Has anybody come?
- Did anyone come?

Is er iemand gekomen?

Please don't tell anybody about this.

Vertel alsjeblieft niemand hierover.

I don't have anybody except her.

Ik heb niemand behalve haar.

- Does anyone care?
- Does anybody care?

Kan het iemand iets schelen?

- Was anybody listening?
- Was anyone listening?

Luisterde er iemand?

This decision won't make anybody happy.

Deze beslissing zal niemand gelukkig maken.

- Is somebody there?
- Is anybody there?

Is daar iemand?

He has no pity for anybody.

Hij heeft geen medelijden, met niemand.

Don't tell anybody that I know.

Niet doorvertellen dat ik het weet.

- Did anybody come?
- Did anyone come?

Is er iemand gekomen?

- Has anybody called?
- Has anyone called?

Heeft iemand gebeld?

- Tom isn't afraid of anybody.
- Tom isn't scared of anyone.
- Tom isn't scared of anybody.

Tom is bang voor niemand.

- Is anybody here?
- Is somebody there?
- Anybody here?
- Anybody in here?
- Is there anyone here?
- Is anyone here?
- Is somebody here?
- Is someone there?
- Is anybody in here?
- Is anyone around?
- Is someone here?

Is daar iemand?

- Anyone can do that.
- Anybody can do that.
- Anyone can do it.
- Anybody can do this.

Iedereen kan dat doen.

I don't want anybody to get hurt.

Ik wil niet dat iemand gewond raakt.

- Is somebody there?
- Is anybody in there?

Is daar iemand?

I wonder if anybody can help us.

Ik vraag me af of iemand ons kan helpen.

I don't want to see anybody today.

Vandaag wil ik niemand zien.

I don't know anybody here except Tom.

- Ik ken niemand hier behalve Tom.
- Ik ken hier niemand behalve Tom.