Translation of "Iemand" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Iemand" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Iemand ontbreekt.
- Er ontbreekt iemand.

- Someone's missing.
- There's someone missing.

- Er belt iemand.
- Iemand roept.

Someone's calling.

- Iemand liegt.
- Er liegt iemand.
- Iemand is aan het liegen.

Someone is lying.

- Er komt iemand aan.
- Iemand komt.

- Someone is coming.
- Someone's coming.

- Maak iemand blij.
- Maak iemand gelukkig.

Make someone happy.

- Kan het iemand iets schelen?
- Doet het iemand wat?
- Maakt het iemand uit?
- Geeft iemand erom?
- Interesseert het iemand?

Does anyone care?

Iemand kwam.

- Someone came.
- Somebody came.

Iemand gewond?

- Is anyone hurt?
- Anyone hurt?

Iemand zingt.

- Someone's singing.
- Someone is singing.
- Somebody's singing.

Iemand schreeuwde.

Someone screamed.

Iemand hoestte.

Someone coughed.

Iemand lachte.

Somebody laughed.

Iemand antwoordde.

Somebody answered.

Iemand thuis?

- Is somebody there?
- Anyone home?

Iemand verzorgen.

To take care of somebody.

Iemand liegt.

Someone is lying.

Iemand praat.

Someone's talking.

Iemand zong.

- Someone sang.
- Somebody sang.

- Kan iemand even helpen?
- Kan iemand helpen?

- Can somebody help?
- Can anyone help?

- Iemand praat.
- Iemand is aan het praten.

Someone's talking.

- Ik zag iemand.
- Ik heb iemand gezien.

I saw somebody.

- Er is iemand gestorven.
- Iemand is overleden.

- Someone has died.
- Somebody has died.

- Iemand, help me a.u.b.
- Iemand, help me even.
- Laat iemand me helpen.

Someone help me.

- Heeft iemand je geholpen?
- Heeft iemand u geholpen?
- Heeft iemand jullie geholpen?

- Has anybody been helping you?
- Has anyone been helping you?

- Iemand is aan het eten.
- Er is iemand aan het eten.
- Iemand eet.

- Somebody is eating.
- Someone's eating.

- Is er iemand verrast?
- Is er iemand verbaasd?

Is anyone surprised?

- Werd er iemand vermoord?
- Werd er iemand gedood?

Was anybody killed?

- Iemand heeft Tom aangevallen.
- Iemand viel Tom aan.

Someone attacked Tom.

- Iemand heeft me aangeraakt.
- Iemand raakte me aan.

- Somebody touched me.
- Someone touched me.

Ik ben iemand.

I am someone.

Iemand roept je.

Someone is calling you.

Is daar iemand?

- Is anybody here?
- Is somebody there?
- Is someone there?

Wil iemand meerijden?

Anybody want a lift?

Zoekt u iemand?

Are you looking for someone?

Kijkt er iemand?

Is anyone looking?

Kan iemand rijden?

Can anyone drive?

Weet iemand hiervan?

- Does anybody know about this?
- Does anyone know about this?

Is hier iemand?

- Is anybody here?
- Anybody here?

Er belt iemand.

Someone's calling.

Iemand greep in.

Somebody intervened.

Iemand heeft gebeld.

- Someone called.
- Somebody called.

Iemand chanteert me.

Somebody is blackmailing me.

Iemand weet dat.

Somebody knows that.

Iemand speelt piano.

- Somebody is playing the piano.
- Someone is playing the piano.

Kan iemand helpen?

Can anyone help?

Luisterde er iemand?

- Was anybody listening?
- Was anyone listening?

Beschermt Tom iemand?

Is Tom protecting someone?

Herkent iemand dit?

Does anybody recognize this?

Ik zag iemand.

- I saw somebody.
- I saw someone.

Praat met iemand.

Talk to somebody.

Iemand kwam eraan!

Someone was coming!

Kent iemand hem?

Does anybody know him?

Heeft iemand gebeld?

- Has anybody called?
- Has anyone called?

Iemand morste melk.

- Someone spilled milk.
- Somebody spilled milk.