Translation of "Hun" in English

0.090 sec.

Examples of using "Hun" in a sentence and their english translations:

hun hoop, hun toekomst.

their hopes, their futures.

Hun geroep is hun geheime code.

The rumbles are their secret code.

Negeer hun.

Ignore them.

De vleermuizen vinden hun prooi met hun warmtesensoren rond hun neuzen.

The bats use heat sensors around their noses to choose the target.

hun perspectief verandert, en tevens hun houding.

it challenges their perspective, and it changes their attitudes.

Ze markeren hun grenzen met hun geur.

Marking the boundaries by rubbing their musky scent.

Hun enige verdediging ligt in hun aantal.

Their only defense is numbers.

- Hun relatie verslechtert.
- Hun relatie gaat achteruit.

Their relationship is deteriorating.

- Kinderen doen eerder hun vrienden dan hun ouders na.
- Kinderen imiteren eerder hun vrienden dan hun ouders.

Children imitate their friends rather than their parents.

Bepantsering en hun schilden, op hun schepen achtergelaten .

armour and their shields, down on their ships.

- Ze herschreven hun verslagen.
- Ze herschreven hun rapportages.

They rewrote their reports.

Moeten ouders hun kinderen helpen bij hun huiswerk?

- Should parents help their children with their homework?
- Should parents help their kids with their homework?

hun werkelijke oorzaken

and therefore their real causes

Al hun gereedschap.

Yeah, look, all their tools.

hun lichaamstaal zegt:

their body language is saying,

Hun relatie verslechtert.

- Their relationship is falling apart.
- Their relationship is deteriorating.

Vertel hun waarom.

Tell them why.

En hun systemen.

and their systems,

Hun kano kapseisde.

Their canoe capsized.

Het geheim van hun succes is hun luie aard.

The secret to their success is their slothful nature.

Bezoek hun website om hun online catalogus te bekijken.

Visit their website to see their online catalogue.

Kinderen doen eerder hun vrienden dan hun ouders na.

Children imitate their friends rather than their parents.

- Hun huwelijk vindt morgen plaats.
- Morgen is hun huwelijk.

- Their wedding will be tomorrow.
- Their wedding is tomorrow.

- Hun blikken kruisten elkaar.
- Hun blikken hebben elkaar gekruist.

Their eyes met.

- Hun zoon heette Edward.
- Ze noemden hun zoon Edward.

Their boy was named Edward.

- Ze hebben hun huizen verkocht.
- Ze verkochtten hun huizen.

They sold their houses.

Ondanks hun omvang en hun gewicht kunnen nijlpaarden snel zwemmen.

Despite their bulk and weight, hippos can swim rapidly.

- Ze deden hun laarzen uit.
- Ze trokken hun laarzen uit.

- They took their boots off.
- They took off their boots.

Betaalden hun leningen terug

repaid their loans

Hun antwoorden zijn geweldig.

Their answers are amazing.

En in hun woorden:

And, in their words:

Was hun antwoord meestal:

the reply is usually,

Bij hun beste levensgezel.

while with their best companion in life.

Ze delen hun warmte.

There is warmth in numbers.

...maar aan hun geld.

with their money.

Hun steun is voelbaar.

Their support is tangible.

Geciteerd in hun vakgebied.

cited in their field.

Ze bereikten hun doel.

They attained their aim.

Ze verlieten hun land.

- They abandoned their country.
- They abandoned their homeland.

Hun hobby is vissen.

Their hobby is fishing.

Hun ontmoeting was onvermijdbaar.

- It was inevitable that they would meet.
- Their meeting was inevitable.

Katten krommen hun rug.

Cats arch their backs.

Hun spieren zijn stijf.

Their muscles are stiff.

Zij verdedigden hun land.

They defended their country.

Hun echtgenoten zijn Pools.

- Their husbands are Polish.
- Their spouses are Polish.

Wat zijn hun rechten?

What are their rights?

Hun lippen raakten elkaar.

Their lips met.

Ze eten hun appels.

- They are eating their apples.
- They're eating their apples.

Morgen is hun huwelijk.

Their wedding is tomorrow.

Hun zoon heette Eduardo.

Their boy was named Edward.

Ze verfden hun teennagels.

They painted their toenails.

Het zijn hun boeken.

These are his books.

Hun suiker is op.

They're out of sugar now.

Hun gedrag veranderde drastisch.

Their behavior changed drastically.

Is hun mening belangrijk?

Does their opinion matter?

Ze strikten hun veters.

They tied their shoelaces.

Wat is hun verhaal?

What's their story?

Hun zoon heeft autisme.

Their son has autism.

Hij negeerde hun klachten.

He turned a deaf ear to their complaints.

Wat is hun doel?

What's their purpose?

Hun trouwdag bleef onopgemerkt.

Their wedding day went unnoticed.

Zingen is hun ding.

Singing is their thing.

Dit is hun huis.

This is their house.

Hoe heet hun dochter?

What's your daughter's name?

Hun slechte levensstijl achterlaten,

"Leave the bad lifestyle behind,

Hun huis wordt verbouwd.

Their house is being remodeled.

Zij verloren hun bezit.

They lost their property.

Zij wassen hun handen.

- They wash their hands.
- They're washing their hands.

Hun bendekleur is paars.

Their gang color is purple.

Zal hun huwelijk werken?

Will their marriage work?

Wat is hun beleid?

What are their policies?

Hun moeder is Russisch.

Their mother is Russian.

Hun kaken hingen slap.

They were left speechless.