Translation of "الإهتمام" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "الإهتمام" in a sentence and their english translations:

مهمتي هي الإهتمام بالطفل.

- My job is taking care of the baby.
- My job is to take care of the baby.
- My job is taking care of our baby.
- It's my job to take care of the baby.
- Taking care of the baby is my job.

كانوا يعرونني الإهتمام عندم أطرح أي فكرة.

They paid attention to me when I shared an idea.

ما يثير الإهتمام الآن هو هنالك شي آخر يدفع مسار العمل

Now what's interesting is there's something else that's driving the process.