Translation of "Varan" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Varan" in a sentence and their english translations:

- O varan ilk kişiydi.
- Varan ilk kişi oydu.

He was the first person to arrive.

Betty son varan kişiydi.

Betty was the last to arrive.

Dan varan ilk kişiydi.

Dan was the first to arrive.

İlk varan kişi Tom'du.

Tom was the first to arrive.

Hücrelerinize varan, kalbiniz, beyniniz, böbrekleriniz.

ends up at your cells, your heart, your brain, your kidneys.

Ve yirmi yıla varan cezalar aldılar

with some sentences as high as 20 years,

Eve ilk varan akşam yemeğini pişirmeye başlar.

Whoever gets home first starts cooking the supper.

Farkına varan tek kişinin ben olduğumu sanmıyorum.

- I don't think I'm the only one who noticed.
- I don't think that I'm the only one who noticed.

Dan olay yerine varan ilk polis memuruydu.

Dan was the first officer to arrive at the crime scene.

Tom oraya varan ilk kişi olmayı planlamıştı fakat oraya ilk Mary vardı.

Tom had planned to be the first one to get there, but Mary got there first.