Translation of "Oradaydım" in English

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Examples of using "Oradaydım" in a sentence and their english translations:


I was there.

Dün oradaydım.

I was there yesterday.

Önce oradaydım.

I was there first.

Saatlerce oradaydım.

I was there for hours.

Tom'la oradaydım.

I was there with Tom.

Geçenlerde oradaydım.

I was there recently.

Biliyorum. Oradaydım.

I know. I was there.

- Tom öldüğünde oradaydım.
- Oradaydım, Tom öldüğünde.

I was there when Tom died.

Bir zamanlar oradaydım.

- I've been there once.
- I was there once.

Geçen gün oradaydım.

I was there the other day.

Bu sabah oradaydım.

I was there this morning.

O gece oradaydım.

I was there that night.

Geçen gece oradaydım.

I was there last night.

Ben de oradaydım.

- I was there, too.
- I was there as well.

Üç gündür oradaydım.

I was there three days.

O gün oradaydım.

I was there that day.

Onlarla birlikte oradaydım.

I was there with them.

Onunla birlikte oradaydım.

I was there with him.

İki yıl oradaydım.

I was there for two days.

Neyse ki zamanında oradaydım.

Fortunately, I was on time.

Ben sık sık oradaydım.

I was often there.

Sadece birkaç saattir oradaydım.

I was there only for a few hours.

Ne kadar süre oradaydım?

How long was I in there?

Bir yıl önce oradaydım.

I was there a year ago.

Ben her zaman oradaydım.

I was there all the time.

Sadece üç gündür oradaydım

I was only there for three days.

O zaman hâlâ oradaydım.

I was still there at that time.

Oradaydım ve onu yaptım.

I've been there and done that.

Sadece üç saattir oradaydım.

I was only there for three hours.

Zamanında oradaydım ama seni görmedim.

I was there on time, but I didn't see you!

Bomba patladığında ben tesadüfen oradaydım.

When the bomb exploded, I happened to be there.

Jaume'in büyükannesi öldüğünde ben oradaydım.

I was there when Jaume's grandmother died.

Ben sadece geçen pazartesi oradaydım.

I was just there last Monday.

Biz hepimiz daha önce oradaydım.

We've all been there before.

O kalp krizi geçirdiğinde ben oradaydım.

I was on the spot when he had a heart attack.

Tom'u görmem gerektiği için o gün oradaydım.

I was there that day because I needed to see Tom.

Sadece Tom gibi aynı zamanda tesadüfen oradaydım.

I just happened to be there at the same time as Tom.

Ben o zaman Tom'la birlikte tam oradaydım.

I was right there with Tom at the time.

"Ne kadar süredir oradaydın?" "İki gündür oradaydım."

"How long were you there?" "I was there for two days."

Daha önce oradaydım, bu yüzden sana yolu gösterebilirim.

I've been there before, so I can show you the way.