Translation of "Arasaydın" in English

0.085 sec.

Examples of using "Arasaydın" in a sentence and their english translations:

Keşke önceden arasaydın.

I wish you had called ahead.

Keşke önce arasaydın.

I wish you'd called first.

Keşke otuz dakika önce arasaydın.

I wish you had called thirty minutes ago.

Keşke beni daha önce arasaydın.

I wish you'd called me earlier.

Beni arasaydın sana yardım etmeye gelirdim.

- If you had called me, I would have come to help you.
- If you'd called me, I would've come to help you.
- If you'd called me, I would have come to help you.

- Tom onu arasaydın beklerdi.
- Tom'a telefon etmiş olsaydın beklerdi.

- Tom would've waited if you'd called him.
- Tom would have waited if you'd called him.