Translation of "Aptallıktı" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Aptallıktı" in a sentence and their english translations:

Öneriyi geri çevirmen aptallıktı.

It was stupid of you to have turned down the offer.

Onun teklifini reddetmesi aptallıktı.

It was foolish for him to turn down her offer.

Senin ona inanman aptallıktı.

It was stupid of you to believe him.

Senin buna inanman aptallıktı.

It was stupid of you to believe it.

Onun yasaya karşı gelmesi aptallıktı.

It was foolish of him to trespass against the law.

Onun teklifini geri çevirmesi aptallıktı.

- It was silly of him to refuse her offer.
- It was foolish for him to turn down her offer.
- It was stupid for him to turn down her offer.

- Ona inanmakla aptallık ettin.
- Ona inanman aptallıktı.

It was stupid of you to believe in him.

- Tom'un bunu yapması aptalcaydı.
- Tom'un böyle yapması aptallıktı.

It was foolish of Tom to do that.