Translation of "Quedado" in English

0.016 sec.

Examples of using "Quedado" in a sentence and their english translations:

Todos han quedado

everybody has been left

¿Dónde nos habíamos quedado?

Where were we?

Deberíamos habernos quedado contigo.

We should've stayed with you.

- Nos tendríamos que haber quedado en casa.
- Deberíamos habernos quedado en casa.

We should've stayed at home.

Tom se había quedado mudo.

Tom was speechless.

Me he quedado sin batería.

I was left without a battery.

Debo de haberme quedado dormido

- I must have dozed off.
- I must've dozed off.

Debería haberme quedado en casa.

- I should've stayed home.
- I should have stayed home.

Él se ha quedado ciego.

- He went blind.
- He has gone blind in both eyes.

Deberíamos habernos quedado en casa.

We should've stayed at home.

Debo de haberme quedado dormido.

- I must have nodded off.
- I must've nodded off.

Debería haberme quedado con Tom.

- I should've stayed with Tom.
- I should have stayed with Tom.

Me he quedado a cuadros.

I've been taken by surprise.

Nos hemos quedado sin gasolina.

- We have run out of gas.
- We've run out of gas.

Me he quedado sin palabras.

I have remained speechless.

Había quedado con un cliente.

I had met with a client.

El salto ha quedado corto.

The jump fell short.

Ha quedado como un idiota.

He's been like an idiot.

¿Cuándo ha quedado ella en verle?

When did she promise to meet him?

Todos los exámenes han quedado atrás.

All the exams are now behind us.

Ha quedado precioso pintado de rojo.

It looks lovely after having been painted red.

Deberías haberte quedado en el coche.

- You should have stayed in the car.
- You should've stayed in the car.

Tom ya se ha quedado calvo.

Tom has already gone bald.

Hubieran querido haberse quedado en casa.

They would like to stay at home.

Debería haberme quedado en la cama.

I should've stayed in bed.

Me debo de haber quedado dormido.

- I must have drifted off.
- I must've drifted off.

He quedado con Mary para cenar.

I've met up with Mary for dinner.

Esos calcetines se han quedado fuera.

- These socks were left out.
- These socks were left outside.

Las piscinas se han quedado vacías.

The pools have remained empty.

- No debí haberme quedado despierto toda la noche.
- No debería haberme quedado despierto toda la noche.

I shouldn't have stayed up all night.

Y se ha quedado atrapado en él;

and is paralyzed with it;

Mejor te hubieras quedado un poco más.

- You had better stay here a little longer.
- You'd better stay here a little longer.

Yo debería haber quedado fuera de eso.

- I should have stayed out of it.
- I should've stayed out of it.

Nos tendríamos que haber quedado en casa.

We should've stayed at home.

Veo que te has quedado sin palabras.

I can see you're speechless.

He quedado con él a las seis.

I have an appointment with him at six.

Se ha quedado atrás con unos amigos.

She stayed behind with some friends.

Deberíamos habernos quedado en casa con Tom.

- We should've stayed home with Tom.
- We should have stayed home with Tom.

Todavía no nos hemos quedado sin agua.

We haven't run out of water yet.

La linterna se ha quedado sin aceite.

The lantern has run out of oil.

"¡Uy qué bulto se te ha quedado ahí!"

"Look at that belly!"

- No tengo batería.
- Me he quedado sin batería.

- My battery is flat.
- My battery is dead.

Espero que haya quedado todavía algo de pan.

I hope there's still some bread left.

Bebí la leche que había quedado del desayuno.

I drank the milk that was left over from breakfast.

He quedado en ver a Mary esta tarde.

I'll be seeing Mary this afternoon.

Creo que Tom debería haberse quedado en Boston.

- I think Tom should've stayed in Boston.
- I think Tom should have stayed in Boston.
- I think that Tom should've stayed in Boston.

Me he quedado sin dinero para el autobús.

I ran out of money for the bus.

Lamenté profundamente haberme quedado hasta tarde cuando amaneció.

I thoroughly regretted staying up so late, come morning.

Lo que sucedió ha quedado en el pasado.

What happened belongs to the past.

Tom descubrió que se había quedado sin dinero.

Tom discovered that he had run out of money.

Acabo de recordar que he quedado con alguien.

I just remembered I have another appointment.

La capacidad de concentrase ha quedado en segundo plano

the ability to focus has been somewhat overlooked

El partido ha quedado cancelado por la fuerte lluvia.

The match was cancelled due to the heavy rain.

Habría sido más feliz si me hubiera quedado allí.

I would have been happier if I had stayed there.

Creo que deberías haberte quedado con tu trabajo actual.

I think you had better stick to your present job.

Tom ha quedado con Mary para verse esta tarde.

Tom is meeting Mary this afternoon.

Tal vez Tom debería haberse quedado con los niños.

- Maybe Tom should've stayed with the children.
- Maybe Tom should have stayed with the children.

- Nos hemos quedado sin gasolina.
- Nos quedamos sin gasolina.

We've run out of gasoline.

Habría sido mejor si te hubieras quedado con Tom.

- It would've been better if you'd stayed with Tom.
- It would have been better if you'd stayed with Tom.

Si me hubiera quedado más tiempo, me habría aburrido.

If I'd stayed any longer, I would've gotten bored.

- Me quedé sin dinero.
- Me he quedado sin dinero.

- I've run out of money.
- I have run out of money.

Tom se ha quedado en mi casa varias veces.

Tom has stayed at my house several times.

- Hemos quedado al mediodía.
- Tenemos que vernos a mediodía.

- We are to meet at noon.
- We're to meet at noon.

¿Alguna vez te has quedado atrapado en el ascensor?

Have you ever gotten stuck in an elevator?

Se ha quedado en ese hotel desde hace cinco días.

- He has stayed at the hotel for five days.
- He's been staying at that hotel for the past five days.
- He's been staying at that hotel since five days ago.

La muchacha parecía haber quedado perpleja por su pregunta insolente.

The girl looked embarrassed at his rude question.

He quedado con Sandra para ir de compras, ¿quieres venir?

I'm going shopping with Sandra. Want to come?

Había quedado citado con un Capitán de la Guardia en duelo

He was challenged to a duel by a Captain of the Guard

Espero, si no se han quedado dormidos, es un desafío cognitivo.

hopefully if you haven't fallen asleep, is cognitive challenges.

Simone George: Conocí a Mark cuando ya se había quedado ciego.

Simone George: I met Mark when he was just blind.

Como el viento está tan fuerte, mi cabello ha quedado desordenado.

- It's very windy and my hair got messed up.
- My hair is a mess because the wind is very strong.

A veces me pregunto si me debería haber quedado en Boston.

Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't have stayed in Boston.

Y que este año ya me he quedado tres veces sin casa".

and I’ve been without a home three times this year alone."

Sino también lo que se ha perdido o ha quedado sin cumplir.

but also about what has been lost or unfulfilled.

Me he quedado embarazada del arpista finlandés del que te hablé anoche.

I got pregnant from the Finnish harpist that I told you about last night.

- Tengo una cita con mi tío mañana.
- He quedado con mi tío mañana.

I have an appointment with my uncle tomorrow.

Hemos quedado en que él venga aquí a las 9 de la noche.

He is supposed to come here at 9 p. m.