Translation of "Miremos" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Miremos" in a sentence and their english translations:

¡Vamos, miremos!

Come on, let's have a look!

Miremos al futuro.

So let's look to the future.

No miremos televisión.

Let's not watch TV.

Miremos las huellas ecológicas.

How many of you have seen rice fields?

Miremos la fase 3.

Let's look at Stage 3.

Entonces miremos, pensemos más simple

then let's look at it, let's think simpler

Ven, miremos por la ventana.

Come, let's look out the window.

Para empezar miremos esta célebre fotografía.

First of all, let's look at this famous picture.

Ahora miremos una comida hoy en día.

Now let's look at a meal today.

Ahora miremos el cerebro de un boxeador.

Let's look at a boxer's brain.

Miremos lo que hay dentro, ¿de acuerdo?

Let's look inside, OK?

Detengámonos un momento y miremos dónde estamos.

Let's stop for a moment and look at where we are.

Eso parece una mina. Miremos allí también.

Looks like a mine over there, let's check that one out as well.

Miremos en el cajón de los cubiertos.

Let's look in their cutlery drawer.

Miremos estos 23 pares de cromosomas en detalle.

So, let's look at those 23 pairs of chromosomes in more detail.

Creemos imágenes que hagan que cuando nos miremos al espejo

Let's create images that would make us feel happy

Volvamos a nuestra playa, y miremos el cielo de nuevo.

let’s come back to our beach, and let’s look at the sky again.

Me pregunto si vale la pena ir a ver. ¡Vamos, miremos!

I wonder if that's worth just checking out. Come on, let's have a look!

Miremos la otra parte del cerebro que resulta damnificada con todo esto.

Let's look at the next part of the brain that gets hammered with all of this.

¿Cómo vamos a saber qué hacer a menos que miremos sus cerebros?

How would you ever know what to do for them, unless you actually looked?

Bueno, miremos a otro tipo de impuestos: impuestos a las corporaciones y a la propiedad.

Well, let’s look at another kind of tax: Corporate and property taxes.