Translation of "Pensemos" in English

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Examples of using "Pensemos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Pensemos acerca de eso.

Let's think about that.

Pensemos algo como esto

Let's think something like this

Mejor pensemos en algo.

We'd better think of something.

Entonces miremos, pensemos más simple

then let's look at it, let's think simpler

Quiero que pensemos en esta habitación.

I want us to think about this room.

Pero, básicamente, pensemos cómo ocurren estos proyectos.

Let's think about how these projects occur,

Pensemos que si esta ciudad flotante prospera,

And you can imagine if this floating city flourishes,

Pensemos así ahora. Te fuiste de vacaciones

Let's think like this now. You went on vacation

Pensemos en lo peor que podría pasar.

- Let's consider the worst that could happen.
- Let's think about the worst that could happen.

Ahora, si hiciste algo mal, como pensemos

Now, if you did something wrong, like let's think about

Pensemos en esta pregunta: ¿quién asistió tu parto?

Let's consider the question "Who delivered your baby?"

Pensemos que esta pequeña isla para 300 personas

So think of this small island for 300 people.

A menos que pensemos que es por los cartelitos

Unless we consider that it’s because of the signs

No hay manera de que pensemos en una ecuación,

There's no way we can think of an equation,

Es importante que pensemos en el futuro del mundo.

It's important for us to think about the future of the world.

Pensemos ahora en la persona más decidida que conozcamos,

Picture to yourself now, the most assertive person you know,

Finalmente, no pensemos que para que algo tenga valor

And finally, don't think that in order to do what's valuable,

No pensemos que este feminismo del que hablaba tan hermosamente

Don't think that the feminism that our speaker

Pensemos qué pasaría si esto fuera realizado por estudiantes universitarios.

Now, try doing that with a bunch of undergraduate students here.

Pensemos en ello un poco juntos y soñemos un poco

Let us think about it together and dream a little.

pensemos en eso y nos pondremos en contacto con usted.

let us think about it and we'll get back to you.

Y que pensemos en cómo eso alimenta la tecnología que estamos creando

and think about how that's informing the technology we're creating

Y esto tampoco les conviene mucho, no sea que pensemos y nos rebelemos.

and that's not good for them, as we may start thinking and rebelling.

Pensemos en esto juntos y tal vez se nos ocurran buenas ideas. Dicen que dos cabezas son mejores que una.

Let's all think on this together and we might be able to come up with some good ideas. They say two heads are better than one.