Translation of "Miraba" in English

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Examples of using "Miraba" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ella lo miraba.

- She looked up at him.
- She looked at him.

Cuando miraba al control y cuando miraba a mi ex.

when I looked at the control and when I looked at my ex.

Él miraba el cielo.

He was looking at the sky.

Tom miraba con susto.

Tom watched in horror.

Tom miraba con atención.

Tom watched attentively.

- Ella lo miraba pintar una pintura.
- Ella le miraba hacer un dibujo.

She watched him draw a picture.

Ella lo miraba como nadaba.

She watched him swim.

A veces miraba al cielo.

Now and then, I looked up at the sky.

Ella miraba por la ventana.

She looked out the window.

Pero miraba con ansiedad el reloj,

but looked anxiously at my watch,

Él miraba a través del microscopio.

He was looking through a microscope.

Miraba en los ojos del chico.

He looked into the boy's eyes.

Él le miraba fijamente al escote.

He was staring at her cleavage.

Él la miraba con cierta admiración.

He stared at her with a gaze of respect.

- Ella lo miraba.
- Ella lo miró.

- She was looking at him.
- She looked at him.

Tom miraba desde la ventana frontal.

Tom looked out the front window.

miraba al suelo en ese vestidor,

I would look down at the floor in that locker room,

Ella lo miraba pintar una pintura.

She watched him drawing a picture.

Tom miraba a Mary con desagrado.

Tom glared at Mary.

Me sentaba, miraba la pantalla de Word

I would sit, I would stare at the Microsoft Word screen,

Un policía miraba con los brazos cruzados.

A policeman was watching it, with his arms crossed.

Contuvo el aliento mientras miraba el partido.

He held his breath while watching the match.

Durante la noche, ella miraba la luna.

At night, she gazed at the moon.

Tom miraba alrededor, pero no reconoció nada.

Tom looked around, but he couldn't see anything.

Creo que ella lo miraba a usted.

I think she was looking at you.

Y yo miraba al grupo que echaba humo

I was looking at the group and they were going “Grr!”

Ella miraba a los pasajeros bajarse del bus.

She watched the passengers get off the bus.

Tom miraba la oscuridad impenetrable del cielo nocturno.

Tom stared into the impenetrable blackness of the night sky.

Ella estaba sentada y miraba a la ventana.

She sat gazing out of the window.

Yo creo que él te miraba a ti.

I think he was looking at you.

- Tenía curiosidad por saber por qué me miraba la gente.
- Tenía curiosidad de saber por qué la gente me miraba.

I was curious to know why people had been staring at me.

Y todo el que lo miraba, sólo quería golpearlo.

and everybody laying their eyes on him really wanted to hurt him.

Su perro lo miraba cada mañana mientras tomaba desayuno.

His dog stared at him every morning while he had his breakfast.

Tom se durmió en el sofá mientras miraba televisión.

Tom fell asleep on the couch while watching TV.

Miraba a uno y a otro procurando una respuesta.

He glanced from one to the other, hoping for an answer.

Cuando él llegó a casa, yo miraba la televisión.

When he came home, I was watching TV.

Un señor que los miraba lo preguntó a ambos.

A man who looked at both of them asked it to them.

Miraba el tamaño de la letra, el color, la posición,

So I would look at the font size, the color, the positioning,

Me di cuenta de que nos miraba un animalito gris.

I noticed that a small gray animal was looking toward us.

Cada cierto tiempo se paraba y miraba a su alrededor.

From time to time she stopped and looked round.

Ella miraba la película con los ojos rojos de lágrimas.

She was watching the film with her eyes red in tears.

Él miraba a su alrededor como si esperara a alguien.

He was looking around as if he was expecting someone.

Cuando se miraba en el espejo, Sara no se reconocía.

Sara didn't recognize herself when she saw herself in the mirror.

Tom miraba fijamente a la pantalla del ordenador en blanco.

Tom stared at the blank computer screen.

Por la noche, ella miraba por largos ratos la luna.

At night, she gazed at the moon.

María se miraba al espejo mientras se cepillaba el pelo.

Mary looked into the mirror while she was brushing her hair.

Tom miraba lo que pasaba en la pantalla del ordenador.

Tom looked at what was on the computer screen.

Tenía curiosidad de saber por qué la gente me miraba.

- I wondered why people were staring at me.
- I was curious to know why people had been staring at me.
- I wondered why people stared at me.

Mientras miraba los cerezos caminé hasta la tienda por departamentos.

I walked to the department store while looking at the cherry blossoms.

Miraba de nuevo al teléfono, y estaba de vuelta en mi mundo

I'd look back down on my phone, and I'm back in my world

Y que no lo iba a lograr si miraba a una persona

and I didn't think that I could do that if I looked at another person

Maltratado por su dueño, este perro inspiraba lástima cuando se le miraba.

Mistreated by his owner, this dog was a sad thing to see.

De vez en cuando miraba hacia afuera para ver si seguía nevando.

From time to time, he looked outside to see if it was still snowing.

Nina me miraba con los ojos abiertos, el cuento estaba bien hasta ahora.

Nina looked at me with her eyes wide open. The story was fine so far -

Tom miraba el cielo perdido en sus pensamientos mientras se fumaba un cigarro.

Lost in thought, Tom watched the sky as he smoked a cigarette.

Me miraba con los ojos entrecerrados, como si estuviera decidiendo qué hacer conmigo.

He looked at me with his eyes half closed, as if he was deciding what to do with me.

Tom sencillamente se paró ahí y veía como María se miraba fijamente al espejo.

Tom just stood there watching Mary staring at herself in the mirror.

Parecía estar escasa de tiempo y miraba con frecuencia al reloj de la pared.

She seemed pressed for time and often glanced at the clock on the wall.

Como no miraba por dónde iba, me choqué con él. No fue culpa suya.

Because I wasn't looking where I was going, I bumped into him when we passed. It wasn't his fault.

Primer Cuerpo en Friedland, donde dirigió con éxito un gran ataque mientras el Emperador miraba.

First Corps at Friedland, where he successfully  led a major attack as the Emperor looked on.

Mientras Tom no miraba, Mary agarró su soda y la agitó lo más que pudo.

While Tom wasn't watching, Mary grabbed his soda can and shook it as hard as she could.

Me he preguntado mucho tiempo por qué Tom siempre me miraba fijamente con el ceño fruncido.

I've wondered for a long time why Tom would always stare at me with a frown on his face.

María miraba al cielo estrellado, con la luna en cuarto creciente que la iluminaba aquella noche otoñal.

María looked at the starry sky, with a quarter moon that illuminated that autumn night.

"Esos son los animales que mata". Así que miraba las presas, las marcas, las excavaciones en la arena,

"Okay, those are the animals she's killing." So I'm looking at kills. I'm looking at little marks, diggings in the sand,

Pensaba que el niño pequeño que miraba fijamente al extranjero y le señalaba con el dedo era muy grosero.

I thought the little boy who was staring and pointing at the foreigner was very rude.

Una vez que volví a abrir mis ojos, Amina me miraba fijamente desde el fondo de su vaso de cerveza.

Once I opened my eyes again, Amina was staring at me through the bottom of her beer glass.

En los largos días de verano ella se sentaba al sol y miraba los árboles cubrirse de hojas y las margaritas blancas cubrir la colina.

In the long summer days she sat in the sun and watched the trees cover themselves with leaves, and the white daisies cover the hill.

Ya había visto esa mirada otras veces, era la mirada penetrante de quien desconfía de todos. La misma que veía cuando me miraba al espejo.

I've seen that look before. It was the piercing look of someone who distrusts everyone. The same look I saw when I looked at myself in the mirror.

Cuando estaba en el útero de mi madre, miraba a través de su ombligo la casa en la nacería y pensaba: "No iré ahí bajo ningún caso."

When I was inside my mother's womb, I looked through my mother's navel at the house where I would be born and I thought: "No way I'm going there".

Aunque Al-Sayib nunca lo admitiría, la verdadera razón por la que odia tanto a los novatos es que fue machacado por uno mientras Dima miraba y se partía el culo de risa.

Although Al-Sayib would never admit it, the real reason he hates noobs that much is that he got pwned by one while Dima watched and laughed his ass off.

- Cuando estaba en el útero de mi madre, miraba a través de su ombligo la casa en la nacería y pensaba: "No iré ahí bajo ningún caso."
- Cuando estaba dentro del vientre de mi madre, miré a través de su ombligo a la casa donde yo nacería y pensé: "De ninguna manera voy allí".

When I was inside my mother's womb, I looked through my mother's navel at the house where I would be born and I thought: "No way I'm going there".