Translation of "Mantenerme" in English

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Mantenerme" in a sentence and their english translations:

mantenerme despierta

and stay awake

- Trato de mantenerme informado.
- Trato de mantenerme informada.

I try to stay informed.

Intenté mantenerme despierto.

I tried to stay awake.

Trato de mantenerme informada.

I try to stay informed.

Apenas podía mantenerme en pie.

- I could scarcely stand on my feet.
- I could barely stand.
- I could hardly stand.

Ya no podía mantenerme despierto.

I couldn't help falling asleep.

Solo resta mantenerme caliente y esperar.

Now, all we can do is try and stay warm and wait.

Compromiso total, mantenerme positivo y seguir.

Total commitment, and always keep moving positively forwards.

Hago ejercicio para mantenerme en forma.

I work out to stay in shape.

Yo hago deporte para mantenerme saludable.

I do sports in order to stay healthy.

Leo refranes diariamente para mantenerme motivado.

I read proverbs daily to keep myself motivated.

Incapaz de mantenerme erguida en la silla,

Unable to hold myself upright in the saddle,

Solo resta mantenerme caliente y esperar. ¡Dios!

Now, all we can do is try and stay warm and wait.

Procuro mantenerme en una buena forma física.

I try to stay in good shape.

Y mantenerme abierta a lo que el universo ofrece,

and to keep myself open to what the universe offers,

Me tomé una taza de té para mantenerme despierto.

I had a cup of tea to keep myself awake.

O intento agarrarle la cola y mantenerme alejado de la cabeza.

Or, I'll try and grab the tail, stay away from the head completely.

Para mantenerme despierto quizás debería beber un poco más de café.

In order to stay awake, I may have to drink more coffee.

Tenía que mantenerme ocupado para no pensar en lo que había pasado.

I had to keep busy, so I wouldn't think about what had happened.

Leo tres tipos de periódicos para mantenerme al día con las actualidades.

- I read three kinds of newspapers in order to keep abreast with the times.
- I read three kinds of newspapers in order to keep abreast of the times.

No puedo mantenerme a mí mismo y aún tenerte a ti también.

I can't keep myself and still keep you too.