Translation of "Hawking" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Hawking" in a sentence and their english translations:

Hawking volvió a sus estudios.

Hawking went back to his studies.

Me dió un libro de Stephen Hawking.

gave me a Stephen Hawking's book.

¡Pensaba que Stephen Hawking era lo máximo!

I thought Stephen Hawking was so cool!

Así que tenía un libro sobre Stephen Hawking,

So I got a book on Stephen Hawking,

Para Hawking, escribir este libro no fue fácil.

For Hawking, writing this book was not easy.

Y nos inspiramos en las palabras de Stephen Hawking.

And we were inspired by the words of Stephen Hawking.

De nuevo Hawking estuvo a punto de darse por vencido.

Again, Hawking was almost ready to give up.

Steven Hawking cambió el mundo de la ciencia con sus conocimientos,

Steven Hawking changed the world of science with his brain,

Así que saqué de la bibliotoeca un libro acerca de Stephen Hawking

So I went and I checked out a book about Stephen Hawking from the library

Una mañana de octubre de 1987, Stephen Hawking se sentó frente a su computadora.

One October morning in 1987, Stephen Hawking sat before his computer.

Las palabras que el dr. Hawking escogía esta mañana serían imprimidas y enviadas a la editorial de su libro.

The words Dr. Hawking was choosing this morning would be printed out and sent to the publisher of his book.