Translation of "Stephen" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Stephen" in a sentence and their english translations:

Stephen nos dijo

We heard from Stephen

Ha muerto Stephen.

Stephen died.

Fue el gran Dr. Stephen Covey.

by the late, great Dr. Stephen Covey.

Stephen Miller es un nacionalista blanco.

Stephen Miller is a white nationalist.

Me dió un libro de Stephen Hawking.

gave me a Stephen Hawking's book.

¡Pensaba que Stephen Hawking era lo máximo!

I thought Stephen Hawking was so cool!

Stephen Colbert es un tipo bien loco.

Stephen Colbert is a pretty crazy guy.

Stephen King escribe acerca de gente maligna.

Stephen King writes about evil people.

Así que tenía un libro sobre Stephen Hawking,

So I got a book on Stephen Hawking,

Él es un ávido fan de Stephen King.

He is a keen Stephen King fan.

Stephen King es uno de mis escritores favoritos.

Stephen King is one of my favorite authors.

Stephen King es uno de mis escritores preferidos.

Stephen King is one of my favourite writers.

Y nos inspiramos en las palabras de Stephen Hawking.

And we were inspired by the words of Stephen Hawking.

Así que saqué de la bibliotoeca un libro acerca de Stephen Hawking

So I went and I checked out a book about Stephen Hawking from the library

Y sería igualmente cierto para mí, si hubiera desposado a un Stephen

And it would be equally true for me whether I married a Stephen

Unos minutos en Stephen Fry harían disculparse a cualquier americano por su retórica.

A few minutes of Stephen Fry will make any American apologize for his rhoticity.

Una mañana de octubre de 1987, Stephen Hawking se sentó frente a su computadora.

One October morning in 1987, Stephen Hawking sat before his computer.