Translation of "Estudie" in English

0.036 sec.

Examples of using "Estudie" in a sentence and their english translations:

Quien no estudie, no aprenderá.

Who does not study, will not learn.

Me preocupa que no estudie.

- It worries me that he doesn't study.
- It worries me that she doesn't study.

Mis padres quieren que estudie medicina.

My parents want me to study medicine.

La que no estudie, no aprenderá.

If you don't study, you won't learn.

- Mi mamá quiere que yo estudie en Suíza.
- Mi madre quiere que estudie en Suiza.

- My mom wants me to study in Switzerland.
- My mother wants me to study in Switzerland.

Mi madre quiere que estudie en Suiza.

My mother wants me to study in Switzerland.

Estudie inglés muy duro día tras día.

I studied English very hard day after day.

Mientras no estudie usted no aprenderá esto.

Unless you study, you won't learn this.

Creo que es hora de que estudie.

- I think it's time for me to study.
- I think that it's time for me to study.

Es una pena que nadie aquí estudie bielorruso.

It's a pity no one here studies Belarusian.

Mi mamá quiere que yo estudie en Suíza.

My mom wants me to study in Switzerland.

Mi madre me dice que no estudie tan arduamente.

- Mother tells me not to study so hard.
- My mother tells me not to study so hard.

Le sugerí a mi padre que Kumiko estudie en China.

I suggested to my father that Kumiko study in China.

- ¡No se puede estudiar con tanto ruido!
- ¡No hay quien estudie con tanto ruido!

- It's not possible to study with so much noise!
- It's impossible to study with so much noise!