Translation of "Decidimos" in English

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Decidimos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Así, finalmente decidimos

And so, ultimately he and I decided

Decidimos todo juntos.

We make every decision together.

Decidimos luchar por él.

We decided to fight for him.

Decidimos quererle, nunca avergonzarnos.

We decided to love him, never to be ashamed.

Con mi novia decidimos

my girlfriend and I decided that we could

Que decidimos hace años.

which we decided years ago.

Lo decidimos por votación.

We decided by vote.

Decidimos deshacernos de Tom.

We decided to get rid of Tom.

Luego decidimos probar haciendo

Then we decided to do a test where we started posting

Decidimos cambiar completamente de área,

We decided to completely change our topic,

decidimos qué nos hace felices,

deciding what brings joy,

Decidimos hacer algo muy divertido.

What we decided to do was just something fun.

Decidimos empezar el próximo domingo.

We've fixed on starting next Sunday.

Decidimos entrar a la sala.

We decided to enter the room.

Entonces decidimos hacer un financiamiento colectivo.

So we decided to try crowdfunding.

decidimos que solo hablaríamos en español.

we decided we were only going to speak in Spanish.

Por eso decidimos en un día:

That is why we decided within a day:

Decidimos dejarlo solo por un rato.

We decided to leave him alone for a while.

Pese a estar lloviendo, decidimos salir.

Despite the rain, we're deciding to go out.

Tiempo durante el cual decidimos hacer

During this test, we decided that hey,

Y decidimos recrearlo con un prototipo: yo.

And we decided to recreate it with a sample size of one - me.

Mi equipo y yo decidimos investigar esto.

My team and I decided to investigate this.

Nos decidimos por diez toneladas de combustible.

We decided on ten tons of fuel.

¿Alguien recuerda por qué decidimos hacer esto?

Does anybody remember why we decided to do this?

Eventualmente decidimos pedirle consejo a nuestro profesor.

In the end we decided to ask our teacher for advice.

Al ver lo que pasaba, decidimos salir.

Upon seeing what was happening, we decided to leave.

Al final decidimos pedirle consejo al profesor.

In the end we decided to ask our teacher for advice.

También decidimos volar por una ruta diferente para

We also decided to fly another route to

Antes de ir a Francia decidimos estudiar francés.

Before going to France we decided to study French.

Mi pregunta es: ¿Por qué decidimos enviar este dibujo

My question is: Why did we decide to send this drawing

Aquel día hacía tanto frío que decidimos no salirnos.

It was such a cold day that we decided not to go out.

Decidimos seguir ocultos durante dos o tres días mas.

We decided to lie hidden for a few days.

Confiar es algo que nosotros decidimos hacer cada día.

Trust is actually a choice made by each one of us every day.

Nosotros decidimos postergar la reunión para el próximo domingo.

We've decided to postpone the meeting to next Sunday.

Encontramos al perro abandonado y decidimos quedarnos con él.

We found the stray dog and decided to keep it.

decidimos vender nuestra casa y recorrer el país en furgoneta,

decided we would sell our house and tour the country in our van,

Penijean y yo decidimos trabajar en casa de mi padre

Penijean and I decided to work at my dad's house

Decidimos quién es agradable y quién no con bastante rapidez;

Pretty quickly, we decide who's nice, and who isn't;

Luego de muchos debates, decidimos pasar nuestras vacaciones en España.

After much debate, we decided to spend our holidays in Spain.

Llovía tan fuerte que decidimos visitarle en algún otro momento.

It rained so hard that we decided to visit him some other time.

Nosotros decidimos no tener negociaciones de paz con los invasores.

We decided not to have peace negotiations with the invaders.

Y no duraremos mucho si no actuamos rápido ni decidimos bien.

and we won't last long unless we move quickly and make smart choices.

Nuestras vacaciones fueron tan divertidas que decidimos quedarnos una semana extra.

Our vacation was so much fun that we decided to stay an extra week.

Oímos que hacía mal tiempo, así que decidimos cancelar el viaje.

We heard it was bad weather, so we decided to cancel the trip.

Sin embargo, decidimos enviar la del hombre blanco con la mano levantada

However, we decided to send the one with the white man raising his hand

Esperar para hacer algo porque decidimos que no es el momento adecuado,

Waiting to do something, because we're deciding that now is not the right time,