Translation of "Conducta" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Conducta" in a sentence and their english translations:

Trastorno de conducta

behavioral disorder

Tu conducta es insoportable.

Your conduct is beyond bearing.

Su conducta era teatral.

His behavior was theatrical.

Su conducta fue admirable.

His conduct was admirable.

Tu conducta es imperdonable.

Your behavior is inexcusable.

No apruebo su conducta.

I don't approve of his conduct.

Tu conducta fue imperdonable.

Your behavior was inexcusable.

Su conducta merece respeto.

His behavior is worthy of respect.

¿Cómo puede justificar su conducta?

How can you justify your behavior?

Tu conducta es absolutamente vergonzosa.

Your conduct is absolutely shameful.

Estábamos sorprendidos de su conducta.

- We were surprised at his conduct.
- We were surprised by his behavior.

Soy responsable por su conducta.

I am responsible for his conduct.

Tu conducta deja bastante que desear.

Your behavior leaves much to be desired.

Semejante conducta puede provocar un accidente.

Such behavior may bring about an accident.

Debes responder por tu conducta descuidada.

You must answer for your careless conduct.

Su conducta nunca deja de sorprenderme.

His behavior never ceases to surprise me.

Elogiando su conducta e indignando a Napoleón.

praising their conduct - and outraging Napoleon.

Su conducta fue cualquier cosa menos cortés.

His behavior was anything but polite.

Quiero una explicación satisfactoria para tu conducta.

I want to get a satisfactory explanation for your conduct.

Ética significa las reglas de la conducta.

Ethics means the rules of conduct.

Te pido disculpas por mi conducta últimamente.

I beg your pardon for my conduct lately.

Pero su lealtad y conducta fueron siempre irreprochables.

but his loyalty and conduct  were always beyond reproach.

Él no se avergüenza de su mala conducta.

He is not ashamed of his misconduct.

Avergonzó a toda su familia con su conducta.

He shamed his whole family by his conduct.

Tu conducta trajo la desgracia a nuestra familia.

Your behavior brought disgrace on our family.

Disfrazó sus malas intenciones con una conducta amistosa.

He cloaked his evil intentions with his friendly behavior.

Su conducta decepcionó a muchos de sus amigos.

His behavior disappointed many of his friends.

La conducta de Tom desprestigió a su familia.

Tom's conduct brought his family into disrepute.

- Tu conducta me sorprende.
- Estoy sorprendido de tu comportamiento.

I'm surprised at your behavior.

Se le pidió que rindiera cuentas de su conducta.

She was asked to account for her conduct.

Con su conducta decepcionó a muchos de sus amigos.

His conduct disappointed many of his friends.

No hay palabras lo suficientemente severas para su conducta.

It is impossible to speak too severely of his conduct.

Ella se ofendió por la conducta de su hija.

She took offense at her daughter's behavior.

Siempre he tenido problema con la conducta de Tom.

I've always had a problem with the way Tom behaves.

De manera que entrar en ese entorno dispara la conducta.

so entering that environment triggers that behavior.

Empecé a darme cuenta de algo en mi propia conducta

I began to observe something in my own behavior

Entonces si podemos entender la conducta de cortejo del mosquito,

So if we can understand the mosquito mating behavior,

A la niña le dieron un premio por buena conducta.

The girl was given a prize for good conduct.

No siento nada más que desprecio por semejante conducta deshonesta.

I feel nothing but contempt for such dishonest behavior.

- ¿Cómo puedes justificar tu comportamiento?
- ¿Cómo puede justificar su conducta?

How can you justify your behavior?

Los políticos siempre son censurados por conducta escandalosa o inapropiada.

Politicians are always censured for outrageous or inappropriate behavior.

Que las cosas que intentamos utilizar como disparadores de la conducta.

than the things we need to use as behavioral triggers.

Cuando yo con mis pacientes acuerdo unos desencadenantes de la conducta

When I agree with my patients some behavioral triggers

Tienen una cosa inherente y es que nos cambian la conducta.

have one thing in common and it's that they change our behavior.

Él pidió disculpas por su conducta, pero ella no lo perdonaría.

He apologized for his rudeness, but she wouldn't forgive him.

Tengo una maestría en salud pública, en conducta saludable, educación en salud.

I have a master's in public health, in health behavior, health education.

A los habitantes ... los harán, con su conducta, cuidar del gobierno del

to the inhabitants... you will make them, by your conduct, care for the government of

Del batallón resultó herido, aunque se elogió la conducta del propio Soult.

the battalion became casualties, though Soult’s own conduct was praised.

Una cosa que los modificadores de conducta sabemos es que los seres humanos,

One thing we behavior modifiers know is that human beings,

Para medir su conducta de toma de riesgos comparable con las del mundo real,

to measure their risk-taking behaviors comparable to ones in the real world,

Pero la propia conducta de Macdonald ganó la aprobación del general Bonaparte, entre otros.

But Macdonald’s own conduct won approval from General Bonaparte, among others.

Los comandantes de su cuerpo, especialmente el mariscal Ney, fueron mordaces con su conducta.

His corps commanders, especially Marshal Ney, were scathing of his conduct.

Bernadotte insistió en los más altos estándares de disciplina y conducta de sus hombres.

Bernadotte insisted on the highest standards  of discipline and conduct from his men.  

Después de haber pasado cuatro años en la cárcel, los soltaron por buena conducta.

After spending four years in jail, he was set free for good behaviour.

La ética es una rama de la filosofía que trata de la conducta humana.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that treats of human conduct.

Haya lo que haya, no puede ser perdonada la conducta grosera de ese tipo.

Nothing can excuse him for such rude behavior.

- Esta nueva regla promueve la buena conducta.
- Esta nueva regla promueve el buen comportamiento.

This new rule encourages good behavior.

- Estoy avergonzado de la conducta de mi hijo.
- Estoy avergonzada del comportamiento de mi hijo.

I am ashamed of my son's conduct.

En Lützen, Ney se sintió conmovido por la conducta de sus jóvenes conscriptos, que soportaron la peor parte del

At Lützen, Ney was moved by the conduct of his young conscripts, who bore the brunt of

Si quieres conocerte, observa la conducta de los demás. Si quieres comprender a los demás, mira en tu propio corazón.

- If you want to understand yourself, just look how the others carry on. If you want to understand the others, look into your own heart.
- If you wish to know yourself, observe how others act. If you wish to understand others, look into your own heart.
- If you want to know yourself, just look how others do it. If you want to understand others, look into your own heart.

- La conducta de unos pocos arruinó la diversión de todos.
- El comportamiento de unos cuantos estropeó la fiesta al resto.

The behaviour of a few spoiled the fun for everyone.

Cuando decimos que un lenguaje se transmite culturalmente - es decir, que es aprendido en vez de heredado - queremos decir que forma parte de todo ese complejo de conducta aprendida y compartida que los antropólogos llaman cultura.

When we say that a language is culturally transmitted - that is, that it is learned rather than inherited - we mean that it is part of that whole complex of learned and shared behavior that anthropologists call culture.

El verdadero acto filosófico es la aniquilación del yo (Selbsttötung); este es el verdadero comienzo de toda filosofía; todos los requisitos para ser un discípulo de Filosofía apuntan acá. Ese solo acto se corresponde con todas las condiciones y características de una conducta trascendental.

The true philosophical Act is annihilation of self (Selbsttötung); this is the real beginning of all Philosophy; all requisites for being a Disciple of Philosophy point hither. This Act alone corresponds to all the conditions and characteristics of transcendental conduct.

Dios miró a la tierra y vio que estaba viciada, porque toda carne tenía una conducta viciosa sobre la tierra. Dijo, pues, Dios a Noé: "He decidido acabar con todo viviente, porque la tierra está llena de violencias por culpa de ellos. Por eso, he decidido exterminarlos de la tierra.

And when God had seen that the earth was corrupted (for all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth), He said to Noah: The end of all flesh is come before me, the earth is filled with iniquity through them, and I will destroy them with the earth.

El 2 de septiembre de 1792, cuando tuvo lugar en París la masacre general de los prisioneros, M. Sombreuil estaba a punto de ser ejecutado cuando fue rescatado de las manos de sus asesinos por la heroica conducta de su hija, ¡aunque con la terrible condición de que ella bebería por el éxito de la república en una copa de sangre!

On the 2nd of September 1792 when the general massacre of the prisoners took place at Paris, M. Sombreuil was on the point of being sacrificed when he was rescued from the hands of the assassins by the heroic conduct of his daughter, though on the dreadful condition that she would drink success to the republic in a goblet of blood!

Podrán continuar con sus vidas sabiendo que el presidente no va a sugerir inyectar blanqueador, o retuitear teorías conspirativas sobre cábalas secretas que gobiernan el mundo, o retuitear la afirmación de que los Navy SEALS en realidad no mataron a bin Laden. No vamos a tener un presidente que se esfuerce por insultar a alguien que no cree que sea lo suficientemente amable con él. No tendremos un presidente que amenace a la gente con la cárcel solo por criticarlo. Eso no es una conducta normal, Florida.

You'll be able to go about your lives knowing that the president is not going to suggest injecting bleach, or retweet conspiracy theories about secret cabals running the world, or retweeting the claim that Navy SEALS didn't actually kill bin Laden. We're not gonna have a president that goes out of his way to insult anybody who he doesn't think is nice enough to him. We won't have a president who threatens people with jail just for criticizing him. That's not normal behavior, Florida.