Translation of "Absolutamente" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Absolutamente" in a sentence and their english translations:



- Absolutamente.

- Absolutely.

Absolutamente no.

Absolutely not.

¡Absolutamente genial!

Absolutely great!

Absolutamente loco

Absolutely crazy.

Absolutamente imposible.

Absolutely impossible.

- Mm, absolutamente.

- Mm, absolutely.

Y absolutamente, absolutamente nadie puede vivir allí

And absolutely, absolutely nobody can live there

¿Es reversible? Absolutamente.

Is it reversible? Absolutely.

Sí, absolutamente sí.

Yes, absolutely yes.

Sería absolutamente crítico.

would be absolutely critical.

Es absolutamente imposible.

- It is absolutely impossible.
- It's absolutely impossible.

Es absolutamente irracional.

It's completely irrational.

¡Estoy absolutamente seguro!

- I'm absolutely sure!
- I'm absolutely sure.

¿Arabia Saudita? Absolutamente.

Saudi Arabia? Absolutely.

Estoy absolutamente segura.

- I'm absolutely sure!
- I'm absolutely sure.

Es absolutamente falso.

It's absolutely false.

Soy absolutamente falible.

I am absolutely fallible.

Estaban absolutamente sorprendidos.

They were completely surprised.

¡No entendía absolutamente nada!

I didn't understand a thing!

"Absolutamente sostenible", dice Yngve.

"Absolutely sustainable," says Yngve.

No encontré absolutamente nada.

I didn't find anything.

Eso fue absolutamente innecesario.

That was absolutely unnecessary.

No entiendo absolutamente nada.

- That was all Greek to me.
- I'm not understanding anything.

- Eso es genio. Absolutamente.

- That's genius. Absolutely.

- No sé absolutamente nada al respecto.
- No sé absolutamente nada sobre eso.

- I know as much about it as the man in the moon.
- I know absolutely nothing about that.

Pero no pasa absolutamente nada.

But nothing would happen.

No vale absolutamente para nada.

It's completely useless.

Y no encontraba absolutamente nada.

And then you'd just come up absolutely blank. There's nothing.

Es una historia absolutamente fascinante.

It's an absolutely fascinating story.

Fue absolutamente asombroso, tan fascinante.

It was absolutely amazing, so fascinating.

La atención absolutamente de nadie.

anyone's attention at all.

Tu conducta es absolutamente vergonzosa.

Your conduct is absolutely shameful.

Su técnica era absolutamente increíble.

His technique was absolutely amazing.

No puedo oír absolutamente nada.

I can't hear anything at all.

Estoy absolutamente seguro de ello.

I'm absolutely certain of it.

Esta traducción es absolutamente errónea.

This translation is outright wrong.

Absolutamente no lo sabes, ¿verdad?

- You don't know that for sure, do you?
- You absolutely don't know that, do you?

El poder absoluto corrompe absolutamente.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

- ¡Absolutamente!
- ¡Pase lo que pase!


- Lo que dices es absolutamente incorrecto.
- Lo que estás diciendo es absolutamente incorrecto.

- What you are saying is absolutely wrong.
- What you're saying is absolutely wrong.

No tengo absolutamente nada para contarles.

I have absolutely nothing to say whatsoever.

Es absolutamente vital tener seguridad psicológica.

it's absolutely vital that you have psychological safety.

Y míralos, se ven absolutamente fantásticos.

And look at them, they look absolutly fantastic.

Pero absolutamente para la sección actual.

But absolutely for the current section.

No entiendo absolutamente nada de alemán.

I don't understand German at all.

No estoy absolutamente de acuerdo contigo.

- I do not quite agree with you.
- I don't quite agree with you.

Ella no tiene absolutamente ningún enemigo.

She has absolutely no enemies.

No sé absolutamente nada sobre eso.

I know absolutely nothing about that.

Uno ha de ser absolutamente moderno.

One must be absolutely modern.

No tienen absolutamente nada en común.

They don't have anything in common at all.

No tienes absolutamente nada que temer.

You have absolutely nothing to fear.

Absolutamente no puedo aprobar la proposición.

I absolutely cannot approve the proposition.

Este es un tópico absolutamente fascinante.

This is an absolutely fascinating topic.

No sé absolutamente nada de él.

I don't know anything about him at all.

Lo que dices es absolutamente incorrecto.

- What you are saying is absolutely wrong.
- What you're saying is absolutely wrong.

No tengo absolutamente nada que hacer.

I have absolutely nothing to do.

Es absolutamente imposible vivir con él.

It's absolutely impossible to live with him.

Sólo Dios puede ser absolutamente Todopoderoso.

Only God can safely be omnipotent.

- Él no comió absolutamente nada por tres semanas.
- Durante 3 semanas, no comió absolutamente nada.

For three weeks, he ate nothing at all.

Y solo intervendría si fuese absolutamente necesario.

and only intervene if absolutely necessary.

Las luces de advertencia estaban encendidas, absolutamente,

The warning lights were on, absolutely,

Todo, absolutamente todo, se basa en esto.

Everything, I mean everything, is based on this.

Todos levanten este zoom ok? Absolutamente dañino

everybody lift this zoom ok? Absolutely harmful

Fue absolutamente apropiado que ella hiciera eso.

It was quite right of her to do that.

Lo que él dice es absolutamente correcto.

- What he says is gospel.
- What he says is absolutely correct.

Algunas personas discuten sin absolutamente ningún motivo.

Some people quarrel for no reason at all.

Noel no sabe absolutamente nada al respecto.

Noel knows absolutely nothing about it.

Lo que has dicho es absolutamente correcto.

- What you've said is completely correct.
- What you said is completely correct.
- What you've said is totally accurate.
- What you said is totally accurate.

No tengo absolutamente ningún problema con eso.

I have absolutely no problem with that.

Tom no tuvo absolutamente nada que ver.

Tom had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Cosas absolutamente absurdas suceden en este mundo.

Absolutely nonsensical things happen in this world.

Durante 3 semanas, no comió absolutamente nada.

For three weeks, he ate nothing at all.

Cuando tenemos miedo y complejos somos absolutamente manipulables,

When we are scared and have complexes, we can be manipulated,