Translation of "Estábamos" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Estábamos" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Estábamos heridos.
- Estábamos lastimados.

We were hurt.

- Estábamos de huelga.
- Estábamos en huelga.

We were on strike.

Estábamos desayunando,

We were having breakfast.

Estábamos conversando.

We were having a conversation.

Estábamos equivocados,

We were wrong,

Estábamos preocupados.

- I was worried.
- We were worried.

Estábamos ocupados.

We were busy.

Estábamos bromeando.

We were joking.

Estábamos juntos.

We were together.

Estábamos apurados.

We were in a hurry.

Estábamos celosos.

We were jealous.

Estábamos heridos.

We were hurt.

Estábamos afuera.

We were outside.

Estábamos entusiasmados.

- We were thrilled.
- We were excited.

Estábamos encallados.

We were stranded.

Estábamos manejando.

We were diving.

Estábamos solos.

We were alone.

Estábamos cerca.

We were close.

Estábamos borrachos.

We were drunk.

Estábamos comiendo.

We were eating.

Estábamos hablando.

We were talking.

¿Dónde estábamos?

Where were we?

Estábamos almorzando.

We were having lunch.

Estábamos ahí.

We were there.

Estábamos relajándonos.

We were relaxing.

- Admitimos que estábamos equivocados.
- Admitimos que estábamos equivocadas.

We admitted that we were wrong.

- Nosotros estábamos acá primero.
- Nosotras estábamos acá primero.

We were here first.

- ¿Cómo sabías que estábamos acá?
- ¿Cómo supiste que estábamos aquí?
- ¿Cómo supisteis que estábamos aquí?
- ¿Cómo sabíais que estábamos aquí?

How did you know we were here?

Estábamos muy agradecidos.

We were very grateful.

Por supuesto, estábamos...

Of course, we were all over it --

Estábamos muy entusiasmados.

We were pretty excited.

Todos estábamos contentísimos.

Everyone was thrilled.

Estábamos todos cansados.

We were all tired.

Estábamos muy cansados.

We were very tired.

Siempre estábamos juntos.

We were always together.

Todos estábamos dormidos.

We were all asleep.

Estábamos trabajando tarde.

We were working late.

Estábamos siendo atacados.

We were under attack.

Estábamos muy tristes.

We were very sad.

Estábamos muy apegados.

- We were so close.
- We were so close!

Estábamos en cuatro.

We were in four.

Estábamos almorzando juntos.

We were eating lunch together.

Te estábamos buscando.

We were looking for you.

Estábamos verdaderamente sorprendidos.

We were truly surprised.

Estábamos recién casados.

We were newlyweds.

¿Qué estábamos pensando?

What were we thinking?

Nos estábamos aburriendo.

We were bored.

Todos estábamos equivocados.

We were all wrong.

No estábamos peleándonos.

We weren't fighting.

Estábamos en huelga.

- We are on strike.
- We're on strike.

¿Estábamos en París?

Have we been to Paris?

¿Estábamos en casa?

Were we at home?

No estábamos enfermos.

We were not ill.

Estábamos muy apretados.

We were really tight.

- Estábamos jugando en el parque.
- Estábamos tocando en el parque.

We were playing in the park.

Estábamos todos bastante agotados.

We were all rather exhausted.

¿De qué estábamos hablando?

What were we talking about?

- Nos preparamos.
- Estábamos listos.

We got ready.

Todos estábamos en silencio.

All of us were silent.

¡No estábamos haciendo nada!

- We weren't doing anything!
- We weren't doing anything.

Estábamos con tu madre.

We were with your mother.

Estábamos llevando demasiada ropa.

We had too much clothing.

Los dos estábamos borrachos.

We were both drunk.

Estábamos sentados en círculo.

We were seated in a circle.

¡Finalmente estábamos en casa!

At last, we were home!

Pensé que estábamos desconectados.

- I thought we got disconnected.
- I thought that we got disconnected.

Estábamos inundados de visitantes.

We were swamped with visitors.

Estábamos todos comiendo agradablemente.

All of us were happy at the table.

Nosotros estábamos acá primero.

We were here first.

Estábamos un poco cansados.

We were a little tired.

No nos estábamos ocultando.

We weren't hiding.