Translation of "Sorprendidos" in English

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Examples of using "Sorprendidos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Están sorprendidos.

- They're surprised.
- They are surprised.

Parecen sorprendidos.

They seem surprised.

Estamos sorprendidos.

We're surprised.

Estaban sorprendidos.

They were surprised.

Fueron sorprendidos durmiendo.

- they were caught napping.

Estábamos verdaderamente sorprendidos.

We were truly surprised.

Estaban absolutamente sorprendidos.

They were completely surprised.

Estábamos sorprendidos de su conducta.

- We were surprised at his conduct.
- We were surprised by his behavior.

Algunos estarán sorprendidos con esta afirmación,

Now, some of you might be surprised by that statement,

Todos estaban sorprendidos de verme allí.

They were all surprised to see me there.

Tom y María estaban sorprendidos ambos.

Tom and Mary were both surprised.

Todos parecen sorprendidos y algo confusos.

Everybody looks surprised and a little confused.

Debo decir que en realidad no parecían sorprendidos.

I must say that they didn't really seem surprised.

Todos estábamos sorprendidos de que Tom ganara la carrera.

- We were all surprised that Tom won the race.
- We were all surprised Tom won the race.

Estábamos sorprendidos de verlo esta mañana en el despacho.

We were surprised when we saw him in the office this morning.

Pero estarían sorprendidos de descubrir que no tengo tres ideas.

But you might be surprised to find out that I don't have three ideas.

Fuimos sorprendidos por el incremento de repente en las importaciones.

We were surprised by a sudden increase in imports.

Tom y María estaban sorprendidos por lo que Juan hizo.

Tom and Mary were both shocked by what John did.

Todos estábamos sorprendidos del efecto que la noticia tuvo en él.

We were all surprised at the effect the news had on him.

Todavía no habíamos avanzado mucho cuando fuimos sorprendidos por un chaparrón.

We had not gone far before we were caught in a shower.

Estábamos sorprendidos de la facilidad con la que él resolvió el problema.

We were surprised at the ease with which he solved the problem.

- Su estúpida respuesta sorprendió a todos.
- Su estúpida respuesta dejó sorprendidos a todos.

His stupid answer surprised everybody.

A pesar de ser sorprendidos por los enemigos, la vanguardia romana toma formación de batalla.

Despite being surprised by the enemy the Roman vanguard forms up in battle formation.